FFVII-The 7th Heaven

Start from the beginning

You nod "I've heard of it" he smiles again "great! You can find Flurite in the slums trash section! RazRats like to horde them for some reason. So if you find a pack of RazRats kill them all. One of them is bound to drop some!"

With that he zips away back into his shop with his brother as you cross your arms "RazRat... where have I heard that before?"

Behind you an animatronic rat chuckles as he slips away into the shadows "randy...." He whispers to himself.

You groan "I feel like a reference to another book was just made" then you shrug "oh well"

You turn around as you start moving down the path. Moving around more people as they talk.

"There's gotta be something around here to do" you mumble as you stop and stand still. You turn your head and look right as you see a building in the distance. "7th Heaven" you read the sign. "Must be where the others are. I might as well catch up"

You say as you turn and start moving towards 7th Heaven.


You push the doors open as you enter the Bar. In front of you at the counter are a set of stools. And at the counter are 3 people. They are all conversating.

"So This kid is useful?" A big guy with a gun arm asks cloud. Cloud nods as he drinks from his mug as he sits in a stool.

"Uh huh" his all he says. The big man grunts "Hmpf. From what Tifa said he don't sound too good"

You step forward as you talk "Looks can be deceiving my friend" everyone turns to face you as Barret turns his head over his shoulder. Cloud spins in the stool. Tifa perks up from the bar.

"Y/n!" Tifa says with a blush. You smile "the one and only" Barret looks you up an down "don't look much like a fighter" you shake your head "oh no, a fist fighter?  Nah"

You hold out your hand and close your fist as your Keyblade manifests in your grip. "What the!" Barret says as he gasps. Cloud just takes another drink. And Tifa smiles.

"This is called a Keyblade. This is my weapon. It has the answers to questions you haven't even thought about asking" you joke as Barret looks at it. "So is it supposed to look all weird?"

You shrug as you hold it over your shoulder "Every Keyblade has the same basic shape. But every Keyblade is different. Each one is Tailored specifically to match the wielder. Mine is this"

You hold up your left hand as Aquas Keyblade manifests. "This one belongs to..." you freeze as you speak. Cloud looks up from his lap as Barret tilts his head "to who?"you shake your head "it's not important" Barret reaches out to touch it but you turn as both key blades vanish.

Cloud then speaks "So. Your here. I think we should talk now about what to do since your stuck here for now"

You nod as you turn back around "Right"

Tifa walks around from behind the counter as she stands next to cloud. You hold your hands casually behind your head "so. What's the plan?" You say in your Kakashi voice.

Barret fixes his sunglasses "First thing is first. Cloud and Tifa both vouched for you, but I still don't trust you." You shrug "fair enough" Barret then looks at Tifa "You got the plans ready?" She nods with a hum

"Yep. Everything is set. We just gotta pull it off"

Barret turns back to you. "There is a reactor that needs to be destroyed. It's using Mako and killing the planet. We plan on getting in and taking care of it"

You look at Cloud "Reactor?" Her nods "A big energy source that feeds of the planets energy and drains it dry"

You him "oh ok" Tifa then speaks "we already took care of one. I didn't go though. And Jesse has more bombshell ready so we can head out and take care of the second one."

Tifa looos back to you "with every reactor we bring down the more freedom people get as Shinra will get more desperate and people can start to see how they truly are"

You look at Barret "So where do I come in?" Barret turns to cloud "your just like Solja boy, backup. We handle the bombs you just watch our asses"

You nod as you crack your knuckles "I'm game"

Tifa giggles as she walks over and grabs your arm. "Wanna meet the others?" You look to her as you shrug "sure I can meet em if you want"

Tifa nods as she looks to cloud "wanna come with us?" Cloud shakes his head as he stands up "I'm gonna head back to my room. I'm tired"

You go to make a joke but suddenly your head hurts as you bend over and grab it "Arg!"

Tifa and cloud turn to face you as you take a breath.

A memory flashes through your head. Aqua is sitting in the cliff looking up at the sky. She has a smile on her face. She turns her head to look at you as she giggles and oats her lap.

"What the..." you say as you shake your head "Y/n! Are you alright?" Tifa asks. Cloud remains silent but he reaches out to grab your shoulder.

You nod "yea I'm fine. Just had a headache for a second"

Tifa nodded as cloud lets go. "Anyway" you say as you stand up "let's get going. I wanna meet the team"

Tifa smiles again as she takes your hand "ok. Let's go"

*To be Continued...*

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