I gasped to myself as two gargoyle like creatures starded appearing in the branches. They didn't move, they just stood there, stuck. They were beige, and you could see veins all throughout their bodies. Their faces were ugly, and one of them had bony wings while the other was wingless. Suddenly, the door to the mansion creaked open and another creature stood in the doorway. It was short, and just as beige and veiny as the two others. It didn't have wings, and it's figure wasn't skinny but it wasn't overly fat as well. It's eyes shone yellow in the dim night light.

   It opened it's mouth and called out something incoherent. The branches in the treesstarted stirring, and the two creatures broke loose, slime from their bodies covering the branches that they rested on just a minute ago. They both jumped out of the tree, one flying up. The flyer suddenly stopped in mid air as the creature from the doorway called out again. The flyer touched down on the ground and started digging, and the other joined. The dug, the slime from their bodies dripping everywhere. I flinched back as the disturbing image continued showing on the screen. They kept digging and soon dug up a giant, still fly. The gargoyle was about to take it in it's mouth when it turned around, facing the fence that was surrounding the mansion. Something was digging in from the outside.

   I turned my head around, not wanting to see more. I was okay with horror movies, but this one was simply strange and disgusting. I grabbed Rocky's arm and put my head on his shoulder, facing away from the screen. He looked at me, still munching on his popcorn.

   "Too scary for you?" Rocky whispered, a slight smile beginning to form. I shook my head.

   "Disgusting," I said, closing my eyes. Rocky put an arm over me and I cautiously opened my eyes and faced the screen, but quickly closed them again.

   I opened one eye as the lights began to come back on and the credits started rolling. Rocky put his arm back beside himself and got up, dusting himself off.

   "Well that was interesting," Rocky said, grabbing his jacket off of the seat.

   "Of the little I saw, it was." I said. I had probably fallen asleep for most of the movie, quite embarrassed that I wasn't able to stand watching it. I looked behind me and saw Peach, pale as a ghost.

   "Oh gosh." Peach said in a small voice, and slowly got up. Donatello shook his head, eyes wide.

   "That was the most disturbing movie I have ever seen." Donatello said, helping Peach stand up. They left the theater as I followed Rocky out.

   "You okay? Was that movie a little too much for you?" Rocky smiled, obviously joking.

   I playfully punched him in the shoulder. "Shut up, it was just really disgusting."

   "You know, the middle wasn't that bad, when the creatures tore out the--"

   "STOP! Hey, I heard what happened, it didn't sound pleasant, and I wouldn't like to hear about it," I laughed a little as Rocky smiled at me freaking out.

   We walked outside and I squinted from the bright light shinning off the snow. Most of it was already gone, but there were a few flurries yesterday, so the ground was coated with a thin layer of glittering snow. We found Rocky's car in the giant parking lot and started towards the road to go to that girl's house. I played the first part of Raiders in my head again, and wondered why the movie was called that. And why there was a car. I probably missed most of it, I only heard it the movie, because I was sleeping most of the time. I shuddered and Rocky looked at me, still smiling. He knew that the movie disturbed me, and apparently I react in comical ways when I'm disturbed.

   We arrived at the girl's house, or mansion, and rolled up into her driveway. I got out of the car and waved bye to Rocky as he backed out of the driveway. He was nice for dropping me off, I should've given him a hug before he left. Oh well, I could always give it to him later, and besides, hugging people in cars is quite strange.

   I walked up to the porch and rang the doorbell, shifting on my feet. The door opened and a giant golden retriever attacked me. I fell down as the dog hopped onto my chest and stared at me, tongue hanging out of it's mouth.

   "Lucy! No!" I heard a voice shout as the weight was lifted from my chest. The retriever, who I guessed was called Lucy, hopped off of my body and sat down obediantely. I got up and dusted the stray dog hair off my jacket.

   A girl came out of the house. She was average, with slightly curled brown hair. She was tall, and she wasn't skinny but she wasn't fat either. She smiled a nice smile at me as her braces shone in the light.

   "Sorry about that," she said. "So I guess you're here for our project, am I right?"

   "Yeah, and it's okay, Lucy seems pretty awesome." I glanced at the panting dog, staring intently at both of us. I went into Clare's house, as that was her name. Her house was huge, as her parents were loaded, but she wasn't the regular stereotypical rich girl. She wasn't extremely skinny, her skin wasn't completely flawless and her clothes were regular. This is one reason why I didn't dislike her, because she didn't let money control her life.

   I walked inside and Lucy followed us. Lucy reached my hips, which was pretty big for a dog. She pressed her nose against the side of my jeans and sniffed me, not used to my smell. I ruffled the fur on her head as her floppy ears swayed with her head. I liked dogs and cats pretty much equally, they both had their ups and downs. I followed Clare up the giant stairs. It felt like her house needed an elavator because it was so huge. My legs hurt slightly as I reached the top of the stairs; I counted 32 steps. That was a lot. There were unnecessary turns and stuff like that as well, and I assumed if they got rid of that then there'd only be around 18 steps or so. I followed Clare into her giant green room. Everything was green. Literally. Her bed, floor, ceiling, walls, desk, even her posters were mainly green. Lucy trotted in and sat down on the green doggy bed beside Clare's bed. I hadn't even noticed her come up with us, but I guess she did.

   "Welcome to my bat cave," Clare said, smiling. "Sorry for the green-ness, green IS my favorite colour and my parents felt the need to buy me everything green."

   "It's... nice..." I said, still marvelling at the hugeness of it all. It made my room look like a closet.

   "Well..." Clare said, walking over to a pile of stuff, "Let's get started!"

   After working for about three hours, we stood back and admired our creation. Our project was for English class, and we had to make a presentation about some English writer. We decided to build a sculpture of him, because our teacher was giving us bonus marks for creativity. It was easy to make, as we had everything we needed because Clare's parents were extremely nice as well as rich.

   We went back downstairs and grabbed some ice cream to eat while I waited for Rocky to come and pick me up. It was actually quite fun working with Clare, she was a good person. The doorbell rang just as I finished the last bite of my ice cream and I went to the door, Clare and Lucy following me. Clare opened the door as I slipped on my shoes and jacket, and, seeing Rocky, gave him a huge hug. Clare smiled as Rocky put his arm around my shoulders and we started turning around to walk back.

   Rocky drove me back to my house and I gave him another hug as a good-bye. It was getting late, and I needed to sleep because I needed to get up early tomorrow. Tired from my long day, I changed back into my pyjamas and flopped on my bed, ready for sleep. I was still slightly disturbed from Raiders, but I tried to forget about it as I fell asleep.


   Okay, a few things I need to say here. ONE: Sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while, school and such have gotten more intense now, I got like 5 projects this week, no exaggeration. TWO: Sorry this part was slightly uneventful, I promise it'll get more interesting on the school days, I didn't really know what to do for the weekend. THREE: I might start uploading a lot slower, as I need to finish these dang projects. I swear, my teacher hates us. FOUR: Raiders was based on a dream I had, I just felt the need to put it in. I hope you enjoyed reading about my bizarre dream XD I actually had to watch all that, and it wasn't very pleasant.

   ANYWAYS I hope you enjoyed this part. I won't upload as often cause I got other things to do too, but I'll try my best to upload as least once a week XD I'll try. YEAH I'll stop making you read this now, cause it was little to do with the actual story. Yeah.

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