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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐧

With trembling hands, one leg bobbing up and down, you sit impatiently in the taxi you had called. The drive home was nerve-wracking and you kept checking your phone to see if you've gotten any new incoming messages from your best friend. But no. You got nothing. You gulped, biting your nails as you stared outside, watching the big buildings go by as many thoughts and questions flew through your head and you tried your best to numb the things you were thinking about. You didn't want to feel this way. The image of Kurapika kept popping up in your mind. The man who has brought you so much joy and pain, the man who used to make you feel the best, he's now the man you have grown to fear. You sighed, leaning back into the comfortable seat as you played with your fingers, considering you knew your street very well, you began recognising the houses that were only a few meters away from your apartment building.

''Thank you,'' you mumbled to the man who had driven you home, paid him and quickly went inside your apartment complex. You almost sprinted up the stairs, wanting to get into your home as fast as you possibly could, you skipped some steps and prayed not to stub your foot against the stair and fall. The big dress you were wearing wasn't helping you in any way, it only made it more difficult to get home quickly. The noise of your heels touching the concrete stairs echoed through the place. You panted as you stood in front of your door, and you took a few seconds to regain your breath. Inhaling deeply, you unlocked the door with the keys you had gotten out of your bag and opened the door with force.

There was no one there, but the lights were on. Your brows got knit together and you squinted your eyes in confusion, not understanding what was going on. ''Azami?'' you called out his name, but you got no answer. Anxiety got stuck in your throat as you walked over to the small kitchen and your heart started to beat in your throat as you saw a torn open package with aspirins laying on the dark wooden kitchen counter. You picked it up with shaky hands, checking how many pills there were left. ''Did he take all of them? What the fuck?'' you whispered to yourself and your eyes travelled to his phone which started to light up. ''So his phone was dead.'' You picked up his phone to see it was only charged at twenty percentage, and as you put it back down, you scanned the living room and the rest of the kitchen. He wasn't here.

You walked firmly over to his room, knocked three times and when you didn't get a reply you just decided to barge into his room. 'He should have answered then,' you thought to yourself. His room was dark and you wouldn't have been able to see anything if his window wasn't open. Moonlight shone into the room and the stars helped light up his body which was curled up into a ball on the bed. You clicked on the big light in his room and terror consumed you when you saw black balls of hair scattered all over the ground and his bed. You gasped, slapped your hand over your lips to seal them and tears started to burn into your eyes, drops of tears pooling into the corners of your eyes.

𝘍𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘉𝘰𝘺 〆 (Flower Girl's Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now