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He was so happy. So, so, so happy. Never has he ever been more grateful for his bold personality than now. He finally kissed you. The way it made his heart race so fast, butterflies going crazy inside of his stomach as he tasted the sweetness of your soft lips, it made him go completely insane.

But wasn't he doing something bad? Wasn't Kurapika his friend?

He started to wonder if he was doing something wrong, something bad— wasn't this going to hurt his friend? Why were his feelings so good right now? If he was doing something bad, why did he have to feel so good about it? Why was he so happy things went okay between the two of you, happy he finally got to kiss you again, wouldn't this hurt Kurapika if he found out? Kurapika is his friend, why would he betray him like this?

He loves you more than anything... But isn't he doing the same thing Rin was doing? He felt like he was stealing the love of someone's life— the same thing Rin did to her own sister.

Maybe not to the extend Rin was doing it, but he was kissing the love of his best friend's life. ''Fuck,'' Azami thought to himself. His happy feelings got replaced by mindless doubts, doubts that would completely consume his confidence and eat away all the happy feelings he was feeling. He avoided eye contact and pursed his lips together. Why did the voices have to fog his mind right now? Why at a moment like this when everything was going so well. ''Why can't anything go well for me?''

Because I don't deserve it, he thought.

''Hey...'' you whispered, ignoring the dancing people around you as the two of you were the only ones standing still, ''what's on your mind? Azami?'' you placed the palm of your hand on his cheek, the soft skin of his making your lips curl up into a small smile. You flicked a few strands out of his sight, some beautiful thick strands of hair that had gotten lose from the dancing. ''It's okay. You didn't make me feel uncomfortable if that's what you're thinking right now. Hey, we had our first real kiss, Azami,'' you giggled but he didn't reply to you, too much into his own thoughts, his own voices voiding out your voice, he couldn't hear you, your words weren't reaching him.

You licked your bottom lip as you bit the plump, tender flesh lightly whilst before on your tippy toes, despite your heels being high enough to reach his face, you planted a small kiss on the top of his nose, which completely caught him off guard. ''O-Oi!'' he whimpered as he let out a low chuckle, ''can't get enough of me, huh?''

𝘍𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘉𝘰𝘺 〆 (Flower Girl's Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now