He starts the paperwork for that as he sits at the desk. The short sleeves of his scrub top pulls against his biceps as he writes. He looks at the time on his wristwatch before writing it down for the log.

A stack of papers drops onto the desk next to him and he looks up to see who put them down. He immediately looks back down at the paperwork and continues to write.

"Those are from the patients you prescribed onsite meds to and the one you treated for her anaphylaxis." The woman tells him.

"Thanks." He replies as he continues to write.

"Mhm." She hums as she walks away.

His upper lip twitches as he exhales.

"I didn't know you were on shift tonight."

Yoongi looks up at the sound of his friend's voice. Taehyung walks over as he puts his stethoscope around his neck.

"Though I guess I really shouldn't be surprised. What time you here til?" He adds to his previous statement.

"8. And then I'll be back at 2."

"Jesus. God, help you. What time do you get out tomorrow?"

"12. Midnight."

Taehyung's eyes widen a bit as he frowns. "You're just gonna work yourself half to death, aren't you?"

"I have an obligation as a doctor, Taehyung. I love my job."

"Yeah, so do I. There's nothing better than seeing all the snot nosed, lollipop loving, rambling about their light up shoes, toddlers I see day to day. But even I need a break from the lovely sounds of baby giggles. So I can't even imagine the things you need a break from."

Yoongi raises his eyebrows an tilts his head. "Yeah, well.. I have nothing better to do. It's either work here and help people, save some lives or go home and hear very large cries from a very tiny human."

Taehyung makes a face as if to say 'fair enough'. Yoongi stops writing and looks up at him.

"He's only three months." He says in disbelief. It's still a shock even though he suspected he wasn't very old. "I didn't even know infants could scream that loud. And for that long? That's crazy."

"Well, is he okay? As much as you say he screams, he could have a fever or something more serious that needs to be looked at." Taehyung tells him.

"I don't know. I just saw him for the first time earlier today. His mom got on the elevator with me. She could barely look me in the eye. It's not really my place to question her parenting. I don't want her to think I'm shaming her or anything."

"Yeah, but if something's wrong, it'd be better coming from you to worry than a regular citizen. You're a doctor, Yoon."

"Yeah, I know. I just-... I don't want her to feel bad, you know?" Yoongi says as he signs his signature on the finished paperwork for the stabbed patient. He sets it led to the side before grabbing a folder from the pile set down for him.

"She lives by herself. I don't think anybody's helping her with him at all. I never see or hear anyone else over there. It's probably hard enough without other people down her throat judging her. I can't imagine doing that alone." He shakes his head.

Taehyung thinks about his words as he speaks. He knows that it isn't easy. As a pediatrician, he sees a lot of different parent sets. Same sex couples, single mothers, single fathers, surrogate parents who never actually intended to keep the kids they carried. All kinds of parental makeups. Single mothers always break his heart the most.

All parents look exhausted, they all look troubled from the terrors of newborns and toddlers. But nobody more than mothers. They just cannot catch a break. They literally grow an entire human using their own body for nine months and then push them out to raise them by themselves. Talk about tired? From the time of conception until their kids are out on their own, they stay that way. Absolutely exhausted.

Their children moving out on their own doesn't even guarantee that they'll get rest after that. They have a whole new list of things to worry about for their child.

'What if somebody breaks in their house? Are they going to be okay on their own? Have I taught them everything that they'll need to know? Have I done a good enough job as a parent on my own for them to run off into the world? If I haven't, they can always just come back home. This will always be home for them.'

"I know you're trying to respect boundaries as a neighbor but I still think you should say something as a doctor. If she's a new single parent, she might be trying to figure things out on her own. She may need some sort of guidance from somewhere but doesn't have anyone to ask. Or maybe she doesn't know how to ask or she's afraid of the judgement that might come with it, you know? Maternal instinct is strong but everyone may need a helping hand every now and then. It doesn't mean she's incapable of parenting her child. It's just new. Of course, there's gonna be a struggle period." Taehyung tells him.

"And if she wasn't a new mom and had a kid already, every baby is different. What works for one doesn't always work for the other. I see it all the time with sets of multiples. But.. I don't know. I'm just saying." He shrugs.

"I'll see you tomorrow. I gotta get home. Kara's probably sleeping on the couch waiting for me." He says as he takes his phone out to check the time.

"Drive safe. I'll see you tomorrow." Yoongi calls to him. Taehyung waves as he walks off down the hall. He puts his coat on as he passes the threshold at the end.

Yoongi goes back to his paperwork, thinking of Taehyung's words.

Maybe he should check on his neighbor one of these nights. He'd be losing his mind if he were in her shoes. Better to be safe than sorry.

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