1. Moving

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Canada's POV:

"We're moving?" I ask to confirm. "Yes, chéri (dear).." Mom sighed. "We're moving."

"Aww come on.. I bet your new university won't be that bad!" Mom said. "But your younger sister Francette and I will be staying at a city about one hour away from your university." She explained, then picked up her coffee mug. "What's.. the city called?" I asked. "I believe it's called, United Nation's Park. Or, in short UN'S Park." Mom answered. "What about.. you and Francette? Where are you staying?" I question. "We will be staying in United Nation's Roadview, which is one hour away from UN'S Park." Mom explained. "I'm so sorry I couldn't find a house in UN'S Park.. I bought one at UN'S Roadview since it was the closest city, and houses aren't that expensive there."

"It's okay, mom." I said. Francette came down the stairs, and then fell over. "Ouch!" Francette screeched. "Are you okay?" Mom asked, worriedly. "I'm.. fine.." Francette replied. "So what's for breakfast?" Francette said, through a yawn. "There's cereal." I answered. "Ehh, that'll be okay."

- - -

"We're moving!" Francette said. "Yes, we're moving." Mom repeated. "Oh.. that means.. I have to attend a new high school?" Francette asked. "Yes.. and Canada is going to a University which is about one hour away from the place we will be staying at." Mom explained. "One hour?" "Yeah, one hour." I repeated. "How far away is.. the city we're going to live in from here?" Francette questioned. "The city is called United Nation's Roadview. It's about.. eight hours from here.." Mom answered. "Eight hours!?" Francette said, surprised. "Yeah, we will be heading there tomorrow morning, at 7 am." Mom explained. "So, you two will have to start packing today!" "Likee.. now?" "Yes now!"

- - -

I folded most of my clothes and put them in my backpack. My backpack was a plain.. red-white coloured backpack. I got it when I was fifteen, and I kind of never got a new one after that. It was my favourite backpack, and it still is.

I looked at the brown wooden walls, ah I really was going to miss living here. I lived here since I was four, before dad passed away when I was seven. I really missed dad, I really did.

We live in a nice two-storey wooden cabin. I always preferred less crowded places anyway. I bet the city I will soon live in will be.. very crowded.

Currently, I'm eighteen years old since I turned eighteen this July, and Francette is.. fifteen years old. She is about three years younger than me. I packed the new computer I've gotten, a notebook, some sticky notes, and a pack of pens and a pack of pencils. I think that's all I sort of need. I folded the rest of my clothes and packed it in my backpack, my backpack was now terribly stuffed. I should take my last walk in this place, because I most likely would never ever see this place again.

I wore a light brown hoodie, and a pair of black sweatpants that had a white stripe on them. I think that should be alright to take a walk in. "Mom I'm going to take a walk! I'll be right back okay?" I said, putting my shoes on. "Okay!" Mom replied.

I looked at the sidewalk that I'll never see again. The pretty pink sky, that'll never be the same. I'd miss all of it, I won't be able to call this place 'home' ever again. There was a Tim Hortons, not to far away from here. About a ten minute walk away. I'll just walk there, and enjoy my last coffee. I looked to my side, and saw an old abandoned office building. Something about it.. it just game me chills. I walked past the building and sighed, I won't ever see this place again.

I thought about how my new university would look like, I bet it will be huge, with a lot of people. People I don't know.. Hopefully, I could make some friends. Making friends is something I always sucked at, and I still do. I looked at the Tim Hortons sign, I was finally here. I walked towards the Tim Hortons and went inside. Huh, there's such a big line up today. Guess I'll just have to wait.


"Sir? What would you like to order?" The line was so long I nearly fell asleep! "Oh, uhh, may I order a double-double coffee?" "Double-double.. what's that? I don't think we sell that here.." "Two sugars, two creams.. A coffee with two sugars and two creams please." "Oh, okay.."

- - -

I took a last sip of my coffee while I was walking back to my cabin. I guess the employee who served me the coffee was maybe.. new? I mean, whenever I ask for a double-double coffee at Tim Hortons they usually get what I mean. Huh, that was weird. Once I finally got home I opened the door with my keys,  and placed my shoes on the shoe rack.

- - -

"Excited for tomorrow, eh?" "Yeah! Of course I am!" I sighed. I did some research on the new university I was going to attend. It was a very, and I mean very big university. Even the dorm rooms.. they're much bigger than most normal university dorm rooms I've seen. At least I get some more privacy, I guess. Mom's car, unfortunately broke down so we're going using my car. (Yeah I have a car haha) I got a driving license when I was sixteen. (I passed the testt) Then, I got a new car on my birthday a few months later. She did say that she would buy a new car after she gets to UN'S Roadview, though. So I technically can still keep the car.

Basically, I'm going to stay at UN's Roadview at mom's house for the night tomorrow, and then the next morning at 6 am I'll head to the university by myself. The classes at the university start at around 8:30 am so I should be able to get there in time.

- - -

I stared at the clock, it's already 1 am and I can't sleep! Great, now that sucks. You know the feeling where you want to sleep, and are tired, but you can't? Yeah, I feel like that right now.

Something about thinking about the university makes me terribly anxious.

What if things go wrong? What if my roommate ends up being.. like the worst person ever?

I'll really miss leaving the cabin, and everything about it. I'll also miss living here in this quiet area, with not too much population. UN's Park must be quite a big city, which means it probably is a crowded one to.

I just need to calm down and go to sleep, everything will be fine.. I think..

  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I'm so sorry about how long it took me to write this chapter!

But I hope you liked it anyway, ~(˘˘~)

Have a great day/night! :D

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