7. Flower-Crown Girl

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Canada's POV:

"I was wondering if we could maybe well.. hang out today.." Australia starts. "IF your not busy or anything of course!" "Oh, well sure." I reply. "I'm not busy of anything, so why not?" New Zealand replies. "Okay! Well then let's go.. to the mall!" Australia exclaims. "We can drive there in my car," he adds. "follow me!"

- - -

"It's awfully busy today," New Zealand says. "Yeah," I reply, looking at all the traffic near the mall. "I FINALLY FOUND A PARKING SPOT!" Australia announces, as he parks his car. Australia opens the car door on his side, and exits the car. "Come on," he says. "let's go!" I open the car door and shut it behind me, New Zealand does the same. I follow New Zealand and Australia, because I am not familiar with the mall. There were so many people here, unlike my old city. When I used to live at the cabin, of course the cabin itself was not in a particular city, but there was a city near it. And that city, it was where I used to go to school, go grocery shopping, go to the park, and so much more.

I stay close to Australia and New Zealand, being a little afraid that if I didn't I would get lost. "Soo, what do you guys want to do?" Australia asks. "I don't know.." New Zealand answers. "Do you want to just find a place to sit.. and chill-out there?"Australia asks. "Sure," I reply. "We can sit over there," New Zealand suggests. "Uh sure," Australia replies.

We sat down on a bench, a bench that was in the middle of two stores. "So.. Canada," Australia starts. "Yeah," I reply. "Where did you get that hat from..?" Australia asks. "Uhm-.." I trail off. "My dad gave it to me." "Well it's a nice hat," New Zealand says. "Thanks," I reply. "Nicer than Australia's!" New Zealand adds. "Hey!" Australia frowns, and New Zealand chuckles. "What? I'm just being honest!" "My hat is worth more than you!" Australia says. "Your only worth one cent!" "No I'm not!" New Zealand cries.  "Anyways, do you guys want ice cream?" Australia asks. "Uh sure, I can pay for it." I offer. "Uh.. alright.." New Zealand replies. "The ice cream shop is over there," New Zealand says, pointing at the little ice cream shop inside the mall.

- - -

I pay the money to the cashier, and leave the ice cream shop with New Zealand and Australia. New Zealand got vanilla ice cream, with sprinkles, Australia got chocolate and vanilla ice cream also with sprinkles, and I got the same thing as Australia.

"YoU cOpIeD mE!" Australia complains, looking at my ice cream, and obviously as a joke. "NO I dIdN't :(!" "How???" Australia asks. "Hahaha, I just said ':( ', that's how!" I reply. "HOW THE HECK DID YOU SAY THAT?!" New Zealand says. "I just can :)." I reply. Suddenly I see a familiar person who catches my eye. They had a yellow and blue flag, and they wore a flower crown. Ukraine, it's Ukraine. I felt my cheeks suddenly becoming warm, she was honestly really pretty. What? I only met her a few days ago.. and I already have a crush on her..? I sighed, I doubt she liked me back anyway. "CaNaDaA?" Australia says. "Are you okay?" I shake my head, and snap back to reality. "Uh yeah I'm fine!" I reply.

- - -

I was really bored, so.. I decided to text Ukraine. Although maybe Ukraine and I won't ever be a couple, at least maybe we could be friends.

Me: Hi
Ukraine: Hi?

I already felt embarrassed, after Ukraine put the '?' after the hi, did I already mess up?

Me: Want to hang out?
Ukraine: Sure! Like now?
Me: Uh sure
Ukraine: Ok! Meet me at the park beside the university!
Me: Ok

I sighed in relief, and exit my room only to be greeted by America. "Hey, Can?" he says. "Yeah?" I reply. "I'm bored, want to hang out?" America asks. Come on, seriously right now? "Sorry, uh actually I'm going to hang out with someone else right now." I answer. "Please?" America pleads. "Can I come with you?"  "Sorry, but no." I reply. "Okay, okay, fine." he sighs, and then moves out of my way.

- - -

I spot Ukraine sitting at a bench at the park, so I sit next to her on the bench. "Hi.. uhh Ukie- sorry, sorry I mean Ukraine!" I say. "Oh hi!" she replies. "Actually.. I like the name Ukie! It's a cute nickname haha!" "Wait, really?" I ask. "Yeah, Ukie.. Ukraine.. it's a cute nickname!" Ukraine answers. "How about I'll try making a nickname for you too!" Ukraine says. "Hmmm... how about.. Canada... Nada!" "Nada..?" I reply. "That's actually a pretty nice nickname," I smile, and Ukraine chuckles. "Also are you done editing my essay?" Ukraine asks. "Yeah, I am." I reply. "Are you done editing mine?" "Mhm!" Ukraine says.

"If you don't mind, may I ask why you always wear a sunflower flower crown?" I ask. "Oh uh.. sunflowers are my favourite flower that's why!" she answers. "I made this flower crown myself, when I was only twelve. Although the sunflowers are fake, I still like the flower crown a lot, it's precious to me."  I look at her sunflower flower crown in awkward silence after, it really was a pretty flower crown. "Why do you always wear that hat?" Ukraine asks, breaking the silence. "Uh, my dad gave it to me, that's why I wear it all the time." I answer. "Plus it's a nice hat, eh?" "Yeah, it's really cool!" Ukraine says. "Thanks," I reply. Suddenly, I hear some movement in the bushes behind the bench that Ukraine and I are sitting on. It must be nothing, probably the wind or some animal.

- - -

America's POV:

"Hey Japan," I mumble. "Hi America," Japan replies. "Are you okay?" he looks at the leaves and some thorns stuck on me. "Yeah," I say, brushing off the leaves and the small thorns. "I'm fine." "Why did you have leaves on you?" he asks. "Oh.. uh no reason!" I answer. "You looked like you hid in a bush or something!" Japan adds. "Or.. wait a minute! Did you actually hide inside a bush?" "Maybee.." I reply, Japan sighs. "Did you know the United Nations will come to the Univeristy this Tuesday?" Japan asks. "Yeahh.. will he be coming in the morning or afternoon?" I say. "I'm pretty sure in the morning, which means we don't have any morning classes on Tuesday." Japan says.

"Oh nice," I reply. "but why is he coming?" "Uhh.. I'm not sure actually." Japan says, I shrug. "Guess we'll just find out on Tuesday then."

- - -

I took a shower, and changed my clothes. Even after brushing most of the leaves and small thorns off of it, there were still some there. It's only been a few days, and Canada's already crushing on a girl, specifically Ukraine. She even let him call her Ukie! Then, she made a nickname for Canada, Nada. Still doesn't beat my awesome nickname for him, Can. Nada literally means nothing in Spanish! I learnt that from Mexico. Soooo, Ukraine's nickname for Canada means nothing. Such a nice nickname, Nada, nothing, haha. I hid in the bush behind the bench they were sitting on, I still can't believe they didn't even notice. I know, I know, spying on people isn't a good thing, but I was bored and had nothing else to do.

My phone suddenly buzzed, so I decided to check it. It was a message from the group chat.

Japanii: Hi! UwU
Japan: Hi
Me: Helloo
Japanii: Want to see a embarrassing picture of Japan?
Me: ok
Japan: NO
China: OMG
China: YES OFC!
Japanii: oki! :)
Japanii: (Insert embarrassing picture of Japan)
Japan: why
China: LMAO
China: @South Korea
South Korea: hm?
China: Look at the picture :)
South Korea: Japan looks so emo and depressed 🤣
China: ikr 🤣
Japan: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Japan: I was just having a bad day, ok? 😭
China: because your girlfriend left you because you were too ugly for her
South Korea: True 🤣
Japan: what?
Japan: At least I have an imaginary girlfriend, unlike you guys!
South Korea: had*
South Korea: Even your imaginary girlfriend left you
China: FACTS 🤣
Japanii: I can confirm.
China: lol

I let out a chuckle after viewing the picture of Japan looking like a emo teen. Well, I mean I was in that phase once too, it's a very cringey phase to go through. I sort of also wonder why UN is coming on Tuesday, I mean at least we don't need to do morning classes. Hm, maybe we'll go to the UN building, I really don't know.

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