"Jay?" she said after a couple of minutes of contented silence between them.


"Clem's going to be a wrestler one day. I feel it. I see it in her eyes when she talks about it. Call it women's intuition if you want, but I know she's going to do it. We have to support her."

"You feel that strongly about it?" he asked, looking her in the eye.

"I do. For me, one of the most important jobs of a parent is to support their kids in their dreams. Yes, we got her into scuba as a hobby and that's great, but I don't see any real desire in her to take it up as some kind of career, working in a dive shop like Kalinda or something. Wrestling lights the fire in Clem, like policing does for us. Imagine if we hadn't been able to pursue the career we wanted?"

"I wanted to be a train driver," Jay muttered for comedic effect. It worked perfectly as Erin burst out laughing, then started coughing because of how she had been lying at the time. She sat up while trying to deal with the coughing fit.

"Jesus, Er, it wasn't that funny," he quipped.

"No, it wasn't," she said, managing a laugh after the coughing subsided. "But seriously, we need to look into it."

"We will," he promised. "Now come back here."

She lay back against again, as she had been before. "Hey, listen," she said.

Jay listened for a moment. "I don't hear anything."

"Exactly. Wonderful, isn't it? Peace and quiet."

"It is nice," he said, giving her a kiss on the top of the head.

"I feel like some sex tonight," she said, dropping it in casually.

"Oh, really?" Jay said, feeling himself start to get turned on immediately. Their sex life had taken some time to return to normal after the pregnancy and Henry's birth, but they were now back to enjoying it fairly regularly.

"Yes. I've been thinking about it all day actually, ever since I went into a store to buy a drink this morning. I happened to notice rubber gloves when I walked by them, and I may have bought some for you."

"For me, huh?" he chuckled. "I don't think I've ever worn any."

"It's not wearing them that you enjoy though, is it?" she asked, placing a hand on his crotch, feeling his firm dick through his pants. "It's the extra special hand jobs that you like."

"Hmmm, yeah, they are quite nice," he said coolly, trying to play it down. "But you know what's even nicer?"

"Tying me up?" she asked innocently. Innocence wasn't something that naturally suited Erin, but she could portray it when she wanted to.

"That's right, and taping your mouth up."

"Mmm, I like the sound of that," she breathed before sitting up and kissing him on the lips.

"Me too. You sound best when you can't talk."

"Asshole," she giggled, giving him a playful slap on the cheek.

"Sometimes," he admitted. "But you love it when I am."

Erin shrugged. "True. Come on, let's get upstairs."

She took his hand as she got off the couch, and he moved with her. They left the living room and started up the stairs before Jay stopped, causing her to stop too as she still had hold of his hand.

"Wait. Forgetting something?" he asked, speaking quietly so as not to disturb Kayla or wake the kids.

"What?" she whispered back.

Keeping It in the Family (Linstead)Where stories live. Discover now