"Romantic getaway?" She smirks.

"He wishes. I'm his sugar mommy." I lie. Confusion and shock completely mask over her face.

"You look younger than him..." She asks, clearly worried.

"Botox." I shrug.

"Lilah." Ezra grumbles, throwing me a glare. I chuckle.

"She's kidding. And no, she's just a friend." Ezra adds, putting his bag on. The work friend hurts a bit more than it should. "Anyways, goodbye Ms. Stone." Ezra grabs my forearm gently and stalks away. The lady shouts a quick bye and we're off, walking towards the gate.

"Lilaaaahhh." He says, slowing down his pace. He knots his fingers in his hair. There are less people on this side, after going through security. "You can't do that!" He groans, but there's playfulness in his tone.

"But I cannnn," I draw out. He shakes his head, laughing.

"What's your favorite color?" I ask, following his steps. I don't know where he's going, but I'm going to hope I can trust him.

"Grey." He says, lacing our fingers together again. I swing our hands back and forth as we walk.

"Hm...guess mine." I say, taking a mental note in my head.

"Blue?" He asks.

"Close, but not today. Today it's turquoise. I change favorite color every two days or something." I chuckle.

"Have you ever been on a plane?" I ask. He nods.

"All the time." He says.

"That's awesome. I did once and threw up in the first ten minutes. The plane wasn't even moving." I say, thinking back to that wonderful experience. "Did you know that planes are one of the bigger causes of pollution? I only found out like yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, I ordered a few things on Shein. I've been wanting these black rectangular sunglasses and I found a cute pair and bought them. They were only three dollars. Then I got a bucket hat because you can't go wrong with bucket hats. That was only four dollars, so it was a win-win. And lastly, I got a new swim suit for this summer. I know it's in like seven months away but you never know!" I say.

"That's good. I hate online shopping." He says. A big store in the center of the very abnormally wide corridor comes into view and I shout an 'Ooh!' seeing a wide range of books and sweatshirts and stuffed animals.

"Can we go there?" I ask, pointing to the shop. He looks down at his wristwatch and nods. I can't help the smile on my face as we enter the small store. There's a big selection of hoodies, different stuffed animals with cute little shirts, magazines, five book shelves stacked on both sides, and food. Come to think of it, I didn't realize how hungry I actually was.

The first thing I go to are the hoodies. They all have different names of countries on them in big bold letters. Ezra trails shortly behind me, flipping through pages of a Vanity Fair magazine with a picture of the queen of England as the cover. She's an icon, I adore her.

"Hey Ez?" I ask. He hums with a questioning tone. "Can I get this?" I hold up a stuffed bear.

"Bellissima, there's no need to ask." He says. I smile and walk over to the neck pillows. I see a leopard print one and buckle the straps together before standing on my tippy toes and placing it over Ezra's head.

"I now crown you as the top jerk of all jerks." I announce. He laughs, a bit confused.

"Thank you, thank you." He bows before shaking his head and having it fall on me. I giggle, placing it back on the rack. We go to pay and I grab two packages of classic M&m's. I go to get money but he beats me to it, placing down a fifty dollar bill.

"I'll pay next time." I seethe, glaring at him.

"Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night." He chuckles. I roll my eyes and the cashier gives him the change. We walk out of the shop and see a Starbucks shop right next to it. I look up at him with a smirk. He smiles and nods.

And that's the story of how we got two cake-pops and iced coffees.

"How long will the flight be?" I ask as he throws our cups away.

"Uhm..a few hours." He says.

"How many is a few?" I question.

"Like...ten.." He says softly, as if he was hoping I wouldn't hear. But I do. And my jaw drops open.

"But there's movies!" He says before I have the chance to speak.

"Oh...okay." I smile. "You're forgiven." I say.

"I'm forgiven? Forgiven that time works the way it does?"


"Lovely. We should head towards the gate, so we don't miss it." He says. I nod.

This is actually happening...

word count: 1491

hola amigossss hope u liked this chapter, it was fun writing it. Also, I lost my pre-written version of this book so that's lovely. It was already towards the part where I'd stopped writing anyway so now I just have to wing it and hope for the best. Anywayssss!!!
Stay safe<3

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