The Backrooms

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Mario wakes up and is immediately confused when he sees he is falling. In fact, he is falling out from the Mushroom Kingdom.


He screams as he continues to fall until he suddenly hits the floor of a unfamiliar place.

Mario: Mario just wanted to take a piss...

He looks around for a bit before walking through the maze of hideous yellow wallpaper, rotting floor, and the noisy lights.

Mario: H-hello? SMG4? Meggy? Luigi? You guys pulling a lil prank on Mario?

He continues on, only to find no end of the hideous wallpaper. Eventually, he gets annoyed with the noisy lights and plugs his ears. However, he smells the rotting floor.

Mario: Smells like rotten pizza in here... *gets an idea and pulls out his phone* Mario can order a pizza and the pizza man will help him out!

He attempts to dial the number only to find out that there is no signal here. He screams and runs throughout the maze that continues on infinitely.


Eventually, he falls to the floor and cries to himself. He stops when he sees a shadow looming over him.

Mario: Jesus...?

He sees two shadow figures with glowing red eyes staring at him. He screams and runs away but no matter where he goes, they seemed to be everywhere. Mario soon had himself cornered by the two shadowy figures and thinking quickly, he throws a shoe at one of them.

???: AHH! The hell was that for?

Mario: Wait a minute, is that...?

The shadow figures disappear and reveal to be you and SMG4. SMG4 picks himself from the ground after being hit by a shoe.

SMG4: Who throws a shoe? Honestly!

Mario: *hugs SMG4 tightly* SMG4!!! (Y/N)!!! YOU'VE COME TO SAVE ME!!! *throws SMG4 at a wall*

You: Yeah, not quite.

SMG4: Mario, listen. Things aren't looking good. (Y/N) and I are trapped down here too.

 (Y/N) and I are trapped down here too

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The entire gang was looking for Mario.

Boopkins: *looking in a cabinet* Mariooo?

Meggy: *looking in a trash can* Maaaaarioooo...?

Tari: *looking in a washing machine* Oh no, I don't see him anywhere!

SMG4: Well he couldn't have just disappeared. There's no way to get out.

Bob: *has been tied up* We'lL SeE AbOuT ThAt!

SMG4: SHUT YO BITCHASS UP! *looks at the bathroom and sighs* He's probably stuck in the toilet again. *knocks on the door* MARIO? Ugh...well, might as well use the toilet. *goes inside the bathroom* Time to take a piss!

My Melon Girl (Melony x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now