Chapter Two

Depuis le début

"Killian." A voice said, making me turn my head to see Kalziar, the representative for the jinn species. A race of usually invisible creatures that could shapeshift. His warm caramel skin gleamed in the lights set up around the room, his sleek black hair pulled back from his face in a curly ponytail, matching the stubble scattered across his jaw. He wore a white and gold cloak, as heavy as mine, with the emblem of his people; a crescent moon that faced downwards with a pair of swords crossed in the center.

"Are we ready to begin?" I asked him. He nodded and turned to everyone else, who got settled into their seats. I took my place beside Kalziar and the representative of the kitsune race. A Japanese race of foxes with unimaginable powers. The representative's name was Ryouta. His hair was a dark shade of brownish red and he kept it brushed away from his face, a small hair clip keeping his bangs back out of his face and on top of his head, revealing his deep red eyes surrounded by thick lashes. He wore his black and orange cloak with the emblem of his people; three commas surrounding the narrow face of a fox with slitted eyes.

"Today we will discuss the tensions that have arisen in the Ethos pantheon," Kalziar announced, making several members of the council scoff in a way that made me smirk, "We have received news from their disagreements from Goll, representative of the Ethos race of demons called Ahnz." Everyone turned to Goll, who sat with a silent, grim stare that was made eerie by his silver eyes and snow white hair that fell in long locks around a young face. The Ahnz race of demons were personifications of dreams and nightmares. They stirred the deepest part of the unconscious and brought it to one's mind during a dream. They fed off the spiritual energy inside humans.

Goll rose from his seat, his white and blue cloak falling around his shoulders. The back of his cloak was a rippled line that went up and down with two dots in each hump in the line. He brushed his hair back over his shoulders, scanning us.

"It's just as we suspected. The Ethos pantheon is splitting up into two groups.  There's the original and the new generation. The new generation is currently being led by Marikas and Teyuis, brother and sister to Ethaniao. They're twins. Marikas is god of the underworld and rebirth while Teyuis is goddess of earth and hearth. They are rebelling against Ethaniao and Ira. They're gathering a great army, involving demons and beings from other pantheons. They plan to have the war so great that it effects the humans severely. It could very well be worse than the Titanomachy, the Sumerian Flood, and the Fall of Atlantis. We cannot let this battle take place and seeing as both sides are gathering members of our species, we must act swiftly." He announced, then paused as members whispered worriedly.

I frowned, though, cocking my head to let the news sink in. To say it was as bad as the Fall of Atlantis meant this would be very, very bad. I felt a small pang of pain deep within my chest at the mention of my homeland, a land that was no longer a land at all, but merely a part of the sea floor, hidden in the depths of Poseidon.

Humans debated the origin of my people and pinned it on legends from different cultures, when we had come from one place and one place only. A place that no longer existed due to civil war.

Atlantis had once been a glorious country thriving with life of all kinds, rich in culture and power. But every civilization ended at some point or another and civil war had been the fall of Atlantis. The pantheon against its people before both sank to the bottom of the sea along with its beautiful city.

Leaving behind the only creatures in residence that couldn't die.

"And what do you suggest we do?" Asked Fillard, the representative for the goblin community. Contrary to popular belief, goblins were not as malformed as many had thought them to be. They were merely shorter than the average human, but they had rows of sharp teeth and OCD that could give even a psychologist the hardest time. They fed off the hospitality that humans gave them whenever they cleaned a home. Their curse was to forever be servants.

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