Chapter 12: Confrontation

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A/N: It's your favourite non-binary queen here. Back at it again with another chapter that I, for once, had completely planned out. The next chapter is gonna be... an interesting challenge to my writing I believe. You'll see. Also, 1k reads is pretty neato yall. 


Also, feel free to shoot me your questions and excitement on tumblr now!


The god froze as they stepped back into their world through one of their rifts. They briefly considered ducking back out at the sound of the two irate mortals rapidly approaching. They ultimately sighed and decided to face it head-on, knowing they'd ultimately hear about it later if not. Cross was half jogging toward them, which made Erratum briefly wonder if he was going to outright attempt to tackle them to the ground. Geno was following close behind him at a more moderate pace. The god was relieved when Cross simply stopped in front of them with a firmly set scowl on his face.


"Do not," Cross inhaled sharply as he collected his irritation to more properly address the higher being. "Give me any excuses. I don't want to hear them. I told you I was going to be going with you from now on and you tricked me! You got me distracted so you could slip away without me!" He clenched his fists tightly as Geno stood next to him, looking equally displeased but not voicing it. "Now I know I can't trust you to keep yourself safe, so I'm really gonna have to start acting as a guard." Erratum groaned a bit at this.

"Nothing happened and I am still in one piece. Horror tipped me off to some trouble and I prevented it from happening." Erratum reassured him at the scowl on his face. "Oh, and I had a strangely interesting game of chess with Nightmare."

"Nightmare was there??" Cross spoke with alarm, eyes narrowing further at this.

"No no, I portaled to his manor and met with him in his study." Erratum corrected with a flippant wave of their hand.

"You just straight broke into his hideout?!" Geno shouted with disbelief, hands raising in a motion that signaled he was barely restraining choking the god.

"He wanted to talk to me."

"And?? That doesn't mean you should just??" Geno sputtered as he tried to find the words to express why this was not okay. Cross just pinched the bridge of his brow and took a deep inhale before exhaling slowly.

"I'm never letting you out of my sight again."

"That seems extreme." Erratum insisted to him with a shake of their head. "I was just popping back in to show you that everything is fine. I have to check back in with Horror and make sure no one caught wind of him helping me." They turned to open a portal as they said this, jolting a bit as Cross grasped the back of their robe.

"Not without me you're not." Cross gave them a pointed look that just dared the other to fight him on it. Erratum released a long-suffering sigh as their arms dangled loosely at their sides in defeat.

"Your weapon must remain unsummoned at all times unless I signal otherwise. Physical weapons must be sheathed as well." They instructed him, to which he nodded once to show he understood. "Great," They muttered under their breath as they finally opened their portal and dramatically gestured toward it. "After you then." Cross didn't comment on their tone as they stepped through the portal first.

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