Chapter 4: How (not) to fight a god

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A/N: This took longer than it should have, but nursing school decided 3 exams every other week was acceptable. Anyhow, enjoy the obvious "Dev has never written a fight scene" content. I also appreciate those who have read and commented because it does mean a lot. I am solely motivated by it. 

Also, bonus points if you can find the d&d spell attack. lmao.

Erratum wasn't foolish enough to make the first move. They remained perfectly posed in waiting, knowing the other's frenzied bloodlust wouldn't allow them to stay still for long. Just as they predicted, the other took the bait and launched himself forward with a wicked grin. Erratum quickly swung the rope in a circle, gaining up momentum until they were able to launch it forward with the force of a striking serpent. Dust was forced to lurch himself to the side, snarling a bit at the attempt. Erratum didn't hesitate to swiftly pull back on the rope at an angle, catching the other by the scapula as it retracted back to the god. Dust was knocked off-center and briefly fell to his knees at the dull ache of the blunt metal colliding with and then scraping across the bone. Erratum stepped back and turned their body as the heavy metal dart returned, moving fluidly to arch the weapon around again to prevent it from colliding into their own body.

"Fancy tricks you got," Dust growled as he was quickly back up on his feet and armed again. "Fine, we don't gotta do close combat. I hope you can make peace with whatever god you have." He grinned as rows of sharp bones circled around him. "Cause I'm gonna send you straight to 'em, express shipping."

Erratum was unmoved by this threat as they watched the spiral of magic coiling around the hostile monster. "I have already made peace with myself centuries ago." They replied, minimally engaging in the banter the other seemed to want. This seemed to successfully provoke the monster as he snarled once more and sent a flurry of attacks with a swipe of his hand. Erratum was quick to dodge the oncoming wave, securing the rope dart around their arm so they could freely use their hands. Their hand came up to their face, covering one eye and dragging it down. They pulled their hand away, golden threads of magic following and twinning around their fingers. They quickly threw their hand out and sent the strings forward to attempt to ensnare their assailant.

Dust quickly jumped out of the way of the strings, but in doing so lost concentration of his magic. The sharp projectiles came to a halt as he focused on the strange threads of magic. The strings didn't seem to dissipate or fall limp, however, as they still seemed to flow and pulsate in mid-air. The strings seemed to turn abruptly, catching the aggressive monster by the arm, and tightening their hold. Dust gave an enraged shout as he gripped the sharpened bone in his hand and brought it forward to slice the threads away. The magic barely even budged, refusing to be cut away. "What is this?!" He demanded as he yanked and thrashed his arm like an animal with its leg caught in a snare.

Erratum didn't bother with a reply as they pulled them forward with their strings. Dust hissed as he was dragged across the rocky ground, heels digging into the rocks to resist. Erratum easily overcame the resistance as they pulled the monster up, more strings wrapping around his middle as he hung midair. With the same fierceness as they threw their dart, they threw their entire body into the swing of their arm. Obeying the command, the strings harshly swung down and slammed Dust into the terrain below. He gave an audible pained shout as his spine met the ground, momentarily writhing. He grasped around a moment and attempted to get his magic to comply after the shock dissipated. He finally gripped onto a newly formed bone, quickly sending it careening toward his captor. Erratum was forced to release him to dodge, allowing Dust to scramble to his feet and roll his neck. "Now you're just starting to piss me off." He drawled, finally understanding this wouldn't just be a simple kill. "I don't know who you are, but I'll be damned if you get in my way!" He shouted as he launched himself forward again.

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