Chapter 2

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Y/n's pov

'I said I don't need this...Jesus...' You turn to face the loud voices coming through the ER doors once more, a teenage boy on the bed looking irritated while being cushioned by multiple stuffed animals. 

'Well you are here now so you need to be quiet and wait here. Don't even think about running away again' Nurse Ha says firmly, the guy brushing his hair out of his eye with barely moving fingers with a large frown. 

'I thought this was a hospital not a freaking prison.' The guy says while wincing from the wounds, and you stare at the three struggling people dragging him up and down. 

'You have to pay for the appointment fee anyway so might as well get the service you came in for.' Dr. Kang says, dragging the teenage boy back onto the patient bed.  

'Dr. L/n, the TA patient was moved to the PICU. Does he need any more medication?' The psychiatric resident asks you before following your gaze over to the boy with fluffy toys attached. 

'You get to see all kinds of weirdos in the ER.' The resident says, and you raise your eyebrow at him, him flinching his eyes down to the floor. You order him to run tests for the patient's neurotransmitters and hormones, glancing back at the once more empty hospital bed. The resident nods, taking the patient record and walking back towards the psychiatric wards. 

'He gave me his phone. He wasn't going to go anywhere.' you hear Dr. Kang say, just before seeing the same guy being once more dragged into the ER. 

'What happened to your face?' She says to the guy, him looking even more annoyed by the questions. 'Did these people beat you up?' She asks, and you look to her side seeing...him.


Y/n's pov

You look out the window of the cafe, the sunset colouring the sky in salmon pink against blue. Noticing people leaving the coffee shop one by one, you also put your books and laptop back into your bag, glancing at the guy who introduced himself as Yoo Shi Jin in front of you. Feeling your gaze, he looks up from his own book, closing it. 

'Are you going home?' He asks, and you nod, taking out your airpods.

'A few of my friends and I are going to the BBQ house in a moment. Do you want to come?' He asks, and you look down at your empty coffee cup, thinking.

'Come on, it's Friday night. It'll be fun.' He says, and there you were, sitting in between him and his friends at the round table in the restaurant. 

'Ya ya ya, take your soju glasses' The muscly guy from the first day of classes, called Kim Hyungman says, distributing the cups around the table. 

'Meat for 6.' The waitress comes over, putting the raw BBQ meat on the table, while Daeyoung and Shi Jin start pouring soju into everyone's glass.

'It's so chaotic right?' Mo Yeon, who you found out to be the fourth year medical student says to you, and you nod. 

'Woooo! Ya, "I am ground" for alcohol game?' Hyungman says, everyone seeming to cheer as Mo Yeon takes the tweezers, putting the meat onto the hot meat plate in the middle of the table. 

'I am ground naming animals. Tiger!' Hyungman starts, people swaying in their seats around you.





'....' you open your mouth to say yours, but you notice everyone's eyes on you that nothing but air comes out. 

'YAAAAAS, drink up! Drink up! Drink up!' Hyungman shouts, Minah and Mo Yeon clapping and shouting with him. You look down at the full soju glass in your hands, all your notes from classes about the bad effects of alcohol springing into your brain. Just as people calm down, staring at you expectantly, some motioning at you to chug down the alcohol, you feel a warm hand taking the glass out of your hand. You look to your side, seeing Shi Jin draining your glass of soju. 

'OHHHHH. Dark knight?' Minah shouts, looking between you looking awkward and him smiling at your confused face. 


The loud reality of ER brings you back to the present, pulling you out of the sea of memories from years ago. Just as you look up from the ground, you feel him also looking at you from the groaning teenager's bed. You stare back at him, your brain automatically searching for his face from your memories years ago. And he hasn't changed a single bit from your memories, watching you with a surprised face.

'Dr. L/n? Your patients are waiting in front of your office.' Nurse Kim comes behind you, her irritated voice pulling your attention away from Yoo Shi Jin still staring at you from the opposite side of the ER. 

'I'm sorry. I'll be there now.' you say, making yourself turn around. As you walk out of the ER, you feel his gaze following you. You walk faster, tying your hair again to put them out of your face, trying your best to pull yourself out from the memories to focus on your job again. Your white coat suddenly feels too warm that you roll up your sleeves before pressing the button for the lift. 

Shi Jin's pov

I watch Y/n walk away from the ER, years old memories from the back of my mind resurfacing into my head. The med student Y/n that I knew was the shy, sweet girl with a light smile but the air around her felt different now despite only having seen her for mere minutes. Something in her seemed more assertive, her figure radiating authority even with her back to me as she walked out of the ER department. 

'People can change. With experience, life shapes who we are. So just because someone is the way they are now, doesn't mean they will be the same in 10 years' time.' I hear her voice in my head, her bright eyes looking up at me from her head on my lap. 

Author's note: it be sad. 

[DOTS Y/n x Shi Jin] Standing At the Edge of Summer, 22.Where stories live. Discover now