» Questions «

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    Tonya was coming back to the kitchen and then to the dining room. She sat back on her seat, staring at the wall with a slight smirk. She was kinda proud of what situation she has gotten her brother into. It was cute and funny at the same time, though, it might have been insidious.

    "What happened?"

    Their mom wanted to know the answer, she felt pretty stupid after the chase, that 'great' scenery made by Ajax and Tonya.

    "Nothing." She chuckled.

    "Where's Ajax?"

    "In the bathroom." Tonya answered mother's question.

    Tonya looked at Zhongli who was deeply lost in thoughts. He wasn't listening.

    "Zhongli?" She addressed him. They were a couple, no? He should know where his other half is.

    Zhongli snapped back, humming in question.

    "Just for your information. Ajax is now in the bathroom."

    "Ah, right. Thanks. I will wait."

    "Wha-?" Tonya trailed off fast. She wasn't expecting that answer. She thought they were…. dating. Zhongli was behaving strangely while talking about Ajax. That could mean something, no? If not, then there's her brother, who was glaring at him with a spark in his eyes. That is a fact, no? She needs to ask. She just needs to.

    Tonya waited until their mom left the dining room and got outside of the house. She said she needed to take care of something. Great- that worked well with her plan.

    "Can I ask you something personal?"

    Zhongli slightly nodded while staring at his phone. Someone was calling him, but he just ignored it, focusing on Tonya's question.

    "What is your… relationship with my oldest brother, Ajax?"

    "Ah.. that.." Zhongli put the phone aside so that it could better ignore the incoming call. "We are just friends." He answered calmly, looking as the call declined itself.

    "Just friends?" She questioned him.

    "Well.. I am also his co-sitter as he mentioned before. Why do you ask?" Zhongli's response came fast enough, so she needed a little time to say something reasonable.

    "I was just curious and wanted to make sure!"

    She smiled widely. Someone put hands on her shoulders and she twitched on it.

    "What kind of question was that… Tonya?" She laughed a little at which Ajax sighed. He 'bonked' the back of her head and came back to his seat, sitting down next to Zhongli.

    "Sorry for my sister. She read too many fanfictions…"


    "You don't know what that is?" Ajax tilted his head to the side, looking straight into Zhongli's eyes.

    "I am afraid, no."

    Ajax smiled sweetly. The time has come. Finally something, he can explain. Finally something he can explain to Zhongli who probably never encountered with a word nor the fanfictions itselves.

    "Well- fanfictions are fan-made stories or even shipping stories, where the book-characters can be content creators, original characters or characters from games or TV shows. Simply put-"

    Ajax was explaining to Zhongli meanwhile Tonya was scrolling through her phone, searching for something. She gasped as she found what she was looking for.

    "Ah- right.. I see. So that's how it is called…" Zhongli replied.

    "And this one is Ajax' favorite!" Tonya slided her phone across the table and then it stopped right in front of Zhongli, with an opened book.

    "Tonya-!" Ajax immediately stood up and grabbed her phone.

    Zhongli hummed, deep in thoughts at which Ajax let out an embarrassed laugh.

    "I.. I guess you already read or at least saw the title…"

    "Cannot say I didn't."

    Tonya joined in the conversation while Ajax was rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment, and she started saying something from the contents of the book with a slight smirk.

    "If you could see his face while he was reading the 'spicy parts'. Him and rexla- pfff-" She bursted out laughing.

    "I am not sure what you mean by that… I never encountered words like that."

    Zhongli was kinda confused. Word fanfiction and what it was, was too new for him. And as Tonya wanted to explain, Ajax was faster and cut off her words.

    "Ehhh- Zhongli, we don't need to talk about it…"

    Zhongli looked at Ajax and saw how he was bowing his eyes down, not feeling quite alright.

    "Right. If it is making you uncomfortable, let's leave it be."

    "Oh, yeah- also. Are you going to watch 'Once per year: Streamers' tonight?" Ajax asked, trying to find something they both do in common and also- to delete the event that happened a few seconds ago.

    "I am not going to. I don't have that much time."

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