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Ajax started to lose his senses, already hearing ringing in his ears. "Z.." he panted, trying to call out his name, but his throat didn't let him.

"Ajax..." Zhongli was looking disappointed at him. "I tol-" he sighed, not finishing the sentence, "You should go to sleep."

Ajax shook his head a little bit, but it was useless. He did not have the strength to prevent nor say something.

After Zhongli picked him up, transferring him to his room, Ajax took a deep breath, and his throat let out a silent voice. "What about the others...."

"Don't worry about it.. I will take care of them." he said quietly, putting his hand on Ajax' head, so his head won't hit the doorframe.

Ajax smiled, "You act like a father, you know that...?"

Zhongli didn't say anything as he was trying to zigzag through the others. Ajax' vision got a little bit better and the ring sound in his ears faded. He realized that he was already in his room, still quite far away from his bed.

"Zhongli...?" he said, tired. As Zhongli didn't say anything again. Ajax just continued. "I see.. Why didn't you join us.."

As he said that, Zhongli stumbled a little bit.

"B-be careful... I don't want to be like a squashed tomato...." Ajax said jokingly.

"No worries... You won't end up like that." Zhongli answered quietly, leaning down, trying to get Ajax off him, but Ajax was just holding onto him too hard.

"I don't want to..get down from you..."

Zhongli was just out of energy, not wanting to argue with him. He knew it would lead nowhere. Trying to argue with drunk people is... useless.

At least Ajax is feeling quite alright after being drunk as.. hell... He sat down, questioning his own thoughts, when he realized that Ajax had already fallen asleep.

He smiled a little bit, after a while standing up and putting Ajax down on the bed. He closed the doors to Ajax' room, looking at the complete catastrophe in the house.

He tried to wake up some of the people who were at least able to stand and walk normally. "The party is over, I wish you a nice journey back to your homes."

Some of them stood up, gathering and waking up some of their friends. Somehow, everybody disappeared, but the mess in the house was just amazing-.. Bottles of wine everywhere, glasses or cards all over the place, not mentioning the chairs.

He sighed, already picking up some of them. Ajax was looking at him, collecting his thoughts together. He was not really willing to help. He felt somehow.. bad for what he did, not sure if Zhongli wants to see his face today once more.


The thoughts were useless as Zhongli turned around after he did everything. Ajax immediately went to his bed, covering himself with a blanket. He heard footsteps... Ajax knew Zhongli was approaching. He was trying to fake his sleep as best as he could.

Zhongli stopped by the doorframe, looking at him with a slight smile after finding something which was off.

"I don't remember putting a blanket on you, Ajax. I know you were watching.."

Ajax remained silent, he knew he messed up once again.

"I guess it doesn't matter.. I hope you rest well, Ajax." he added, closing the door slowly.

"Wait..." Ajax spoke up, "Can you.. Stay with me please? I am not feeling well.."

Zhongli opened the door, walking in. "Alright then..." Zhongli dragged a chair near him, sitting down. "Just make sure to get a healthy amount of sleep.."

"I- I'll try my best.."

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