» Messing Up Once Again «

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Zhongli was waiting for Ajax to fall asleep, though it seemed impossible. His mouth just didn't shush down.. He was constantly speaking about things from his life and thrilling experiences when he was younger.

"...well, we ended up in one old cottage, with nothing.... but trees around us. And- I don't really remember how we got out but- heh-.. How can I? I was asleep after all...and.." he took a break and continued.

"When I woke up we were in our car and dad was driving us home... Yeah- mama was asleep too and-" Zhongli leaned against him, which made Ajax cut off his words and gulp loudly.

"You said you will try your best to have a good amount of sleep, but it looks like I am the one who's keeping you awake..."

Ajax froze. He couldn't move even with his finger, nor open his mouth. He never felt like that before. So helpless... but why? When he reorganized his thoughts, he spoke up.

"N-no.. It's- fine... I am the one talking- j.." he took a pause again, collecting his words together and then he continued, "Just- stay here.."

Zhongli's eyebrows frowned after Ajax finished his very-badly-spoken sentence. "You're all sweaty, Ajax.. Don't you have a fever?"

Zhongli's facial expression got rather worrying. He never really had an experience with someone that drunk like Ajax, but Ajax was probably the good case. Something worse could have happened if it had been someone else. Ajax has his limits, at least for now.

Fuck. Ajax said to himself as Zhongli put his hand on his forehead.

"Wh-at are y-you doing?" He asked, still not being capable of what is happening. After all, he didn't hear what Zhongli said a second ago. All he knew was that Zhongli put his hand on his forehead.

He really couldn't do anything, and being the one in this situation... it must've been too embarrassing for him. After all, he was a streamer with two million followers and someone like Zhongli was taking care of him? No way...

"It doesn't look like that, you just probably drank too much alcohol. You should sleep already, to get rid of it, at least a little bit." Zhongli straightened his back and yawned, at which Ajax chuckled.

Nodding slowly, Ajax turned on the side, to have a great view at Zhongli, who was sitting on that chair already, not moving.

"Z-.. Never mind..." Ajax realized that Zhongli had already fallen asleep, which made him smile a little bit. From his own experience, he knew that looking after someone is a really tiring task. But he never actually has been looking after a drunk human.

Still thinking about how Zhongli mastered the party-is-over thing with others. It was really unexpected and amazing at the same time, although Zhongli said that he is not feeling good around people, but speaking with them that time, it looked like no problem for him.

After a while of staring at the walls, he realized that it was too late already and his headache won't probably go away until he won't get a good amount of sleep. He should go to sleep too.

That weird feeling of this morning.. Something just wasn't feeling right... something was off, but the pain was gone... What could it be? Maybe- he forgot something yesterday while being in the center of that chaos or-...


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