» Let The Show Begin «

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    "Teucer!! It's starting already! Switch the channel!"

    "What? No!" Teucer protested. He was watching some kind of animated movie, and as soon as he heard his brother's words, he tried to hide the remote controller.

    "Teucer! You can watch from the archive and you know that very well." Ajax stated a fact and approached his brother, reaching for the remote controller he had hidden in the sleeve of his hoodie.

    "You too!" Teucer gave Ajax the true answer. They've got an archive on their TV and Ajax can watch that TV show from the archive too.

    "Teucer- we made a pinkie promise. Once a year, you will let me watch that TV show."

    "What show…?" He asked. He didn't know what his brother was talking about. Then the realization struck him deeply.

    "Wait- it is today? 'Once per year'?"

    Ajax nodded at his question in response. Teucer stared at him and switched the channels. He couldn't believe his own eyes… It was, indeed, today.

    Teucer too enjoyed the TV show just like his brother. He wanted to see him there once. He was a big streamer already, but not that big to get an invitation there. A lot of people who Teucer was watching on Twitch or YouTube were invited in the past years.

    There was a countdown and suddenly, a colorful transition appeared on the screen, being followed by a camera, focusing on the moderator, who started talking after a while.

    "Hello everyone! As you know, my name is Venti. For those who didn't know, they know now."

    Said a man with black hair and two braids on both sides of his head, fading to a greenish shade. He himself was one of the streamers, but he was mainly the one inviting others. His TV show was created 5 years ago, he has one of the biggest number of followers in the world and even one of the first streamers. He started his career at fourteen, and has been on the ranking of the best. Now, a lot of people are already in front of him, but he remains in most people's hearts, as the legend.

    "Welcome to the fifth episode, a special episode of 'Once per year: Streamers'!" The braided man, Venti, said while smiling widely.

    Special? So I almost was not able to participate in a special episode while it was live? Ajax stared at his little brother, who was out of breath looking at the screen of the TV, smiling widely.

    "Before we start, I want you to join this room of slido, so you can write some questions here anonymously. It is mainly for your privacy though I really doubt I will read your name out loud."

    He giggled, continuing while pointing at his phone with words. "There is another option too, and that is our own application, where you can send your questions to us, ourselves, in the studio too!"

    Ajax didn't hesitate and he opened the application on his phone. He will ask questions under the name Tartaglia, because he already created an account there, but he didn't mind at all.

    "Our guests will also have access to both networks, so before you ask something, put a hashtag and the name of streamer, or 'hashtag all', so we won't have chaos in there!" he announced happily, still smiling.

    He had such a cheerful personality, and sometimes, it was quite funny when others were more silent. Mainly when they had three calm and silent streamers and two energetic along with the moderator in part two. So three on three. The energetic ones were having fun and the other three, who were silent, remained silent, not joining the conversation.

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