» The Classroom «

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The school bell rang, Zhongli and the others stood up as the professor walked in.

"Please sit down.." he said in a calm voice, listing through some papers. Professor stood up, holding chalk in his hands, writing something on the board.

Zhongli opened his notebook, writing down the things the professor wrote on the board, including the timetable. The door suddenly opened.

"Sorry, I am late."

Someone with a really familiar voice said that, when the whole class started a big discussion about who just entered the room, completely ignoring their professor.

The whole class somehow changed to battlefield. Everyone was pushing, or at least tried to push their friends off the chairs, to make a free seat near them.

Zhongli was really confused, still writing down the timetable. The professor already gave up, waiting for class to calm down.

Although Zhongli was focused, he could hear the whole conversation about his new classmates saying to the guy who entered the room to sit near them and him just refusing.

"Hey, can I sit near you?" the guy put his hand on Zhongli's shoulder, already sitting down next to him without his approval.


The whole class, mainly the girls, came, completely blocking the view on board.

Zhongli sighed, already wanting to stand up, but the hand of his co-sitter ended up on his shoulder once again, this time, not letting him stand up.

The professor cleared his throat. All of the people near Zhongli's desk turned around, looking at the really mad professor, "All of you, sit on your seats!"

With that being said, all of the people near them disappeared, unblocking the view to board. Zhongli smiled a little bit, continuing to rewrite the timetable.

When he finished, the professor said something about the classes and the teachers, also- about the canteen menu for today. Then, he gave a personal password to every person there, to their own school account and after some useless discussions with others, which Zhongli wasn't joining and it was more like a biography about his new classmates, and after a while, the bell finally announced a break.

All of the people were again near Zhongli's and his co-sitter's desk, speaking one through each other.. asking for... autographs and.. photos?

Zhongli looked up at the guy who was sitting next to him. He smiled a bit, though, he was feeling a little bit hungry after all, so he took out the other toast he made.

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