» Empty Classroom «

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The morning was rainy, it was foggy outside. He got his lunch done and left his apartment.

This time, Ajax didn't join him along the way, so he was walking there alone, lost in his own thoughts.

To his surprise, no one was in the class, at least... It looked like it. It was strange.. That weird feeling of being the only one in the class, thinking about every available option.

Isn't it a weekend? He asked himself, immediately rejecting it. The teachers are there.. I saw them.

He was really confused, sitting down on his chair, putting his head on the table.

Aren't we going on a trip?! This thought blanked his mind. He stood up, thinking curiously.

"Chill out... I am not the professor." said someone from behind the door.

Zhongli looked that way, already recognizing his friend. "Sorry for not joining you along the way. I found a shortcut." Ajax said, sitting down right behind him.

"I don't mind..." Zhongli answered, still standing, clearing his throat and speaking up, "This chair is mine... the other one's yours."

Ajax smirked, and gave a silly look, "Then sit down."

Zhongli shook his head so Ajax stood up.

"Right, I am just kidding." he laughed, sitting on his seat. "What? Wasn't that funny?"

Zhongli stared at him.

"Did I tell you you're cute when you're angry?" Ajax said after laughing loudly again, while Zhongli was staring at him even more, completely confused.

"No, sorry. I am just trying out how to flirt, don't take it seriously."

Zhongli was confused. Why would someone like Ajax want to try to flirt? "I don't get it." he said after realizing, that Ajax was getting more conformable with him as a company.

Ajax smiled, being happy about Zhongli not understanding.

"Where are the others?"

Ajax just waved his hand towards the door, "They're talking with each other near the back door. Also- are you excited?"

Zhongli looked at him, "For what?"

Ajax closed his eyes, laying on the desk, "Today's PE?"

"PE? I... forgot about that.." Zhongli sighed, before checking his backpack, "No, I didn't.."

After his words, others came into the classroom. They probably heard the whole conversation about PE, because everyone started criticizing and no one wanted to have that lesson.

"You know.. First hours of PE are fun.. I am looking forward to it."

Zhongli said standing up, "There's still a couple of minutes left.."

Ajax stood up too, "Any ideas?"

Zhongli just approached the window, looking out. Not sure why, Ajax stood up on the professor's desk, probably trying to recreate a scene from Titanic without Rose.

"Hey Zhongli, don't you want to join me?"

Zhongli looked at him and froze. "Get down-.."

Ajax shook his head, still posing on the desk.

This is going to end very badly..

His mind was full of plans on how to get Ajax down from there, but in the end, it was totally useless, because he got bored of standing there.

Zhongli huffed and smiled, "Good.. Do anything you want but..." Ajax shushed him down, already taking out his phone, sitting down on his seat.

"A common question. Do you have any plans today?" he said while texting someone, "I do.."

Ajax sighed, "What about.... Hm- What about Friday?"

Zhongli nodded, "No, I have no plans on Friday. Why do you ask?"

Ajax smiled widely, answering his question. "I would like to invite you." These words caught Zhongli's attention.

"Where?" he just laughed at his question, "Well.. To my house, you intelligent."

"Oh.." Zhongli thought for a while, continuing, "I will see."

Ajax was already looking forward to it. "You can help me with homeworks."

Zhongli glared at him, confused, "That's the biggest lie I ever heard."

Ajax nodded with a big smile on his face, "Mh, you're right. But we will maybe get some?" he shrugged, turning off his phone after the bell rang.

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