» Great morning «

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Ajax woke up too late. Well, it was not unexpected since he was spending the whole evening and night with his family yesterday. Listening to Teucer's stories and the great opportunities they had, he wished he could be there too. But for him, it was no regret that he was at home. After all, he too experienced something, but he had no interest in spreading it and sharing it with his family.

He remained silent, laying on his back. As the door opened, he let out an annoyed whine.

"Big brother! Mama told me to tell you to go to her immediately. She needs help with some boxes!" Teucer jumped on Ajax' bed.

"Not now Teucer..."

"But mama needs you.. Come on! Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Ajax yawned. No doubt, he was still tired. "Can't you do it by yourself? For me? I'm still sleeping..."

"Well.. I tried to.. I asked mama and she immediately said no.. I am too small for it and I can do some injuries."

Really? This now? Ajax stood up, rubbing his eyes when the voice of his mother was heard.

"Come here already!"

"I am... coming.." he yawned once again, walking slowly to the kitchen.

"Mh? What.." Ajax asked, but his hands were already stacked with boxes. "Please transfer it to the garden."

He nodded, as he had no other choice. Trying to not stumble or hit some object in front of him, he transferred the first few boxes and came for other ones. Teucer was just standing there for a while.

Why couldn't he transfer boxes too? He's not that small-...

He crossed his arms on his chest, standing there moveless, though it didn't take for too long. His patience wasn't big enough. After a while he gave up, walking to his room which he was sharing with Tonya and Anthon, still mad at his mother a little bit.

The amount of boxes was probably endless. It took a long time to finally get rid of them. He still didn't know why his mom would need something like that, but it wasn't any of his business. He shrugged it off. Now, he will need some rest and someone to talk to... Right.

"Hey, mama.. I was thinking. Can I invite one friend here for lunch?" Ajax spoke after a while when he finished his work that his mom commissioned him for.

"A friend? Sure, why not." she smiled widely. "You finally found a good friend? I am glad!"

"Y-yes I did.. But.. There's one catch.."

"Mh?" His mom hummed in question, this time, filling the dishwasher.

Ajax smiled awkwardly, kneeling down and started to fill dishwasher too. "I.. don't have his phone number so.. I will need to invite him in person."

His mom didn't say anything. She just stopped, looking at him as some kind of donkey. Ajax realized that must have sounded very embarrassing. Hah- Finally found a friend but doesn't have any way to contact him. Great start, no?

The minute of silence was interrupted by some scream.

What happened? What if Teucer fell from the window sill, and... Ajax's breath stopped as he thought of every possible thing that could have happened. He was already running to the room of his siblings, probably too worried for what was happening. After he saw what was happening, he was relieved.

"Give it back! I had it first!"

Anthon shook his head.

It was just that fight about the same toy the both of them wanted, though, that scream and their fighting just interrupted his conversation with his motherx he was fine with it. It was something like that comedy TV show, though, this was now reality.

"Teucer, come here for a minute." Ajax said after a while of looking at them.

"Yes, Big brother?" Teucer approached him, being too excited.

"Can you.. leave that toy to Anthon?"

Teucer gasped. He couldn't understand why he would be on Anthon's side. After all, he had it first, not Anthon. "B-but.."

Ajax smiled widely, saying a really good replacement. "Let him play with the toy. We can go out instead. Isn't that better?"

The eyes of his younger brother sparkled. "We can?"

He just laughed, nodding, "Of course we can. Go get yourself ready, I still have something I need to deal with."

Teucer was happier than ever. Walking with his brother was his second favorite thing. The first one was being at their grandparents' house with him but.. That last thing happened... three... years ago? But that doesn't matter. Now, he's going on a walk with his brother. They can stop anywhere. At shops, at parks, near lakes everywhere! Ajax sighed as Teucer was too excited for a common walk. True indeed, that he too loves to walk with his younger siblings, but.. His wallet probably doesn't.

"About your friend..."

Ajax twitched again, cutting his thoughts. Of course, not expecting anyone to stand behind him. "Mama- you scared me-" he cleared his throat to get rid of that scared voice crack.

"I heard your conversation. When you will be out with Teucer, you can go and try to invite your friend."

He nodded, still being in shock why is everyone lurking around every corner. He needs to be more careful while walking even in his house and anticipate more, mostly from his parents. His little siblings can be everywhere but... parents? Jump-scaring him from behind? No. Just no.

Five minutes passed after they left their home and Teucer was already running everywhere as a hamster. It was a pleasure to watch, but the risk of injury was high.

After all, young children do not pay attention to what they do and do not care nor know about the consequences.

It was also funny how Teucer's backpack was almost bigger than he himself. Not sure what he packed with him. They only went for a walk, not to a weekly stay somewhere.

"Teucer, give me that backpack." Ajax smiled slightly as Teucer was trying to jump on stones.

"Mhkay." Of course Teucer didn't hesitate and gave him his backpack right away to continue his 'stone path travel'. His brother only wanted to help him and jumping without that weight on his back was better and easier.

Ajax was constantly looking around him as they were passing by the park and the empty alleys, trying to spot his friend. He wasn't lucky at all and Teucer's running off wasn't helping at all. Why do young children have so much energy?

Still running after Teucer, sometimes really out of breath was not really good. He only wanted to chill and have a nice walk after these two nights. But either way, Teacher's running off was a pleasant interruption, and he could see more aleys than normally, which meant: Higher chance of spotting Zhongli.

Teucer actually remained for too long without stopping but... some words came from his mouth. "I... am hungry.."

"You just had breakfast a while ago Teucer, you can't be hungry." Ajax laughed, thinking Teucer was just messing around.

Teucer stopped at one place, really not willing to move. "But.. But I didn't eat breakfast..."

"Wha-..." Ajax froze. Did he really take his younger sibling out without eating his breakfast? No- no way. That...

"You know what, Teucer? Let's go buy you something then, so you won't die from hunger." He said jokingly after finally calming down.

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