» Lucky Or Not? «

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He was approaching the school building, not feeling quite right. There were so many people talking in groups or in pairs, as they knew each other for a long time.

He just passed by, trying to not get into any conflict nor conversation, already seeing someone who looked like a principal with a secretary standing near him. He smiled a little bit, walking there a little bit more confidently.

There was a crowd of people waiting in line, almost in a bigger line, when you are waiting for your food in fast-food. He sighed, stepping behind one guy, waiting for his turn.

The minutes passed by.. He was already second, his turn was approaching. Finally... he said for himself, after the guy in front of him got selected to one class.

"Name?" that sharp voice.. Zhongli twitched as he wasn't expecting that. He remained silent for a while after clearing his throat when the man was already preparing to say something,


The secretary near him bowed her head to the papers filled with names, turning to page with letter 'Z' and then, finding his name.

Principal... well- a man, dressed like the principal, looked where the secretary pointed with her finger, speaking up.

"1C- this way" man pointed in one direction and sign saying 1C, holded by one teacher. Zhongli nodded, saying thanks, walking there.

So these are my new classmates. He said when he finally approached the group standing near the sign. Fair enough... it could be worse.

Time was passing by slowly now. Not many people were new to the group he already saw.. Only a few came, which was good.. The sound of one conversation with another three was... really chaotic.

Teacher with sign 1A said something, walking into the building with the whole crowd.

The same thing happened to the other classes. They were the last standing there. This must be our turn.

Zhongli was right. The teacher started by introducing himself as their head-teacher and then, giving a little speech. After a while he walked in. All of the people in front of Zhongli were following him.

They were passing through the big hallway, ending up standing in front of one door to their new class. Professor let them inside to sit wherever they like.

Zhongli sat down near the window to the front desk. No one wanted to sit near him. Well at least, that was how it looked. With that being said, he was smiling. He didn't mind at all.

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