chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

“You poor thing! Look at you!” She released me from the bone crushing hug. “You've been through so much. I couldn't even imagine!” It was like the woman didn't know how to take a breath. But her compulsive talking had put me at ease.

“Thanks so much for taking me in like this,” I said, timidly.

“Oh, sweety, it's nothing! For the last few days James has talked of nothing, but you. Then, when he told me how you saved his life I knew that we had to help you!”

I was shocked. Had James really told his wife that I'd saved his life?

“His life wouldn't have needed saving if he hadn't met me in the first place...” It came out before I could stop it.

“Nonsense!” Karin acted shocked. “In this house there'll be none of that talk! James, you're her psychiatrist. Do something about this!”

She was half joking. But, despite the urge I felt, I did not pull away, as she encircled me in another hug.

“Hey buddy!” James's voice sent my head whipping around.

From behind the nearest corner I saw half the face of a child. His big blue eyes looked questioningly up at me, and his brown hair was the same colour as his father's.

“Why don't you come say hi to our guest?”

The boy seemed to hesitate for a moment, but then he slowly moved towards me.

“Hey,” I whispered, trying and failing to kneel down beside him. Settling on a sort of squat, I placed my hand on his shoulder. “You must be Micheal.”

He nodded up at me. “What's your name?” It was the simplest of questions.

His mother began to protest, but I cut her off. “Jane. You can call me Jane.”

“Hi Jane!” he said, hugging my left leg. “Hey what's this?”

He pointed at my cast.

Talking with the Jamisons was as easy as breathing. They were just so normal, so honestly good. It was nice, not having to worry about ulterior motives. It was Dosle that finally broke apart our friendly introductions. He called everyone into the kitchen for a briefing, which Karin insisted I shouldn't attend. Much to everyone's surprise, I agreed, accepting her offer of a shower.

Upstairs, Karin covered my cast in some kind of plastic wrap. She told me that it would keep it from being damaged by the water. She also unwrapped my head and shoulder. Both throbbed painfully. She covered both sides of the bullet hole with waterproof Bandaids. But, before she could do my head, I took the time to look at it in the mirror. Right smack in the middle of my forehead, a huge red lump loomed. Around it, bruises spiraled outwards. Not to mention the huge gash that crossed my entire forehead, starting at the bump and continuing on. It had began to scab over in parts, but most of it was still red and open. Unable to look at it, I turned my head down, staring at my toes.

“Hmm,” Karin mused. “Well I definitely don't have a Bandaid big enough for this. I guess I'll put a piece of gauze and cover it in tape. It won't be very sturdy so I'll have to re-do it right away after your shower.”

I nodded and allowed her to cover the long, aching scar.

“There,” she stepped away, grinning. “Enjoy your shower. James and I will work out all the details with Detective Dosle, don't you worry. You're safe here.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, willing her to leave the room.

Because, although I longed for things to be different, I knew what she said wasn't true. I wasn't safe. I never would be, until I knew what I had to be safe from. Letting the hospital gown drop to the floor, I stepped up onto the tiled floor of the shower, pulling the sliding glass doors closed behind me. Their tinted glass blurred the rest of the bathroom from my view.

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