chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Out in the open, I froze, waiting for someone to notice my escape. No one did. As I moved easily towards the exit, it almost seemed anti-climactic. What was the fun in that? The door which I presumed would lead me to the rest of the hospital had a keypad lock. Not something I could pry open with a coat hanger, but simple enough. Taking a seat in one of a line of hospital chairs facing the door, I waited. Someone was bound to leave eventually.

I was not the only one sitting here, though it didn't look like I'd have much luck talking to my fellow patients. They all stared off into space, or rocked back and forth; whispering quietly to themselves. Did I really belong here? As if to answer my question, a nurse, carrying an empty tray, walked up to the door. I barely made out the combination, as she typed it in. 5#671; I committed it to memory.

When enough time had passed, I got to my feet, and walked right out the door like I did it everyday. Again, no one protested. A short elevator ride away, I was on the main floor. I was quickly absorbed in a throng of people. It was slightly disconcerting, balancing on crutches while a crowd surged around me. What had I been thinking? There was no way I was finding James in this chaos. That's when I smelled it. It smelled like grease and old lettuce, but it made my stomach grumble. Food. I walked as fast as I could, I followed the smell. Maybe I'd get lucky and find James eating his lunch. Maybe he'd decide to share.

The cafeteria was a mess. People in lab coats, carrying overly loaded trays and cups of coffee rushed for the tables. There were cashiers ringing in the food, as more and more people got in line. It was the lunch time rush. Following the throng of people, I headed into the food area. With all these people, I wouldn't even need to steal anything. I could eat it right here and no one would notice. There were so many different things you could pick up and take to the cashiers. Hot food, cold food, old food, and fresh food. As inconspicuous as possible, I walked over to some metal shelves that lay between the people and the kitchen. I'd just reached the counter when someone placed a new Styrofoam plate right in front of me. Peperoni pizza, I couldn't resist.

With my steaming bounty in hand, I headed over to one of the quieter corners of the food court. Nobody even glanced my way as I savored every bite of my stolen lunch. I was just wiping the pizza sauce on the legs of my hospital gown, when I felt someone's eyes on me. Spinning to face them, I saw a middle aged women, staring back at me. Her dyed blonde hair was frizzy and she was beginning to show some bulge around the middle. As she walked towards me I attempted to leave, but was stopped by her voice.

“Wait!” she yelled. “I'm not mad at you, can't we just talk?”

I had no idea what she was talking about or who she was, but it wasn't like I had anywhere to go. Against my better judgment, I came to a stop.

“They call you Jane, correct?” The woman stood erect and she seemed to look down on me, although she was almost a foot to short to do so.

“Uhhuh.” I nodded my head.

“I'm doctor Thane,” she said, shaking my hand. “When I came to get you and found that you were missing, you can understand my worry. You've caused everyone an awful lot of trouble.”

She talked as if she were speaking to a young child and it infuriated me. But I remembered what James had said about acting sane, so I simply said, “I'm sorry. I was hungry and that room was starting to make me stir crazy.”

There was no need to lie, it wasn't like I'd had any ulterior motives. As far as I knew, I was sane. So all I had to do was be myself, and hopefully doctor Thane would see it.

“I know I'm digging myself a deeper hole.” I apologized, almost cheering at how normal I sounded. “But I really don't mean anybody any harm.”

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