"An old spell? Please that should be childs play. It means there are already counter spells made for it." Ging states with finality.

Chrollo chuckles, but the laughter is filled with anything but humour. "With all due respect your highness, that is a naive thought. This curse won't be that easy." Chrollo clenches his hands around the rim of the table. "The Dark curse." All the witches present in the room seem terrified at the thought. Their eyes wide. Their atmosphere changing to the tense and darkened one Chrollo currently wears. "Hate to sound dull-witted but what is the big deal of this curse?" Leorio asks.

Killua whispers in response but everyone can hear him loud and clear, as the piece of history is told. A legend that leaves a scar on witch kind. "Regina, or as many of you might know her, the Evil Queen was the first to successfully release this curse. It's a curse with no mercy." Kurapika continues the story. "Its essentially a curse that wipes your memory, but not in a normal manner. It strips you of your identity." Bisky looks through the window at the night sky, she whispers almost absentmindedly, "It reinvents you, we wouldn't know each other as we do now. We also wouldn't be aware of our powers or statuses."

Chrollo sighs before speaking. "It will transport us to a new world. The only way to break the curse is true loves kiss. But the curse will keep those who love each other away from each other by any means necessary. They could be married to another, in a coma, you name it. The curses strength is beyond any other. We could try to make a plan, but we wouldn't remember it, only those who cast the curse will remember this reality. And the curse is almost done."

The room falls silent as the non witches take on the new piece of information. Mito nods in understanding. "Alright. First and foremost we should probably warn the kingdom. Chrollo how far out would you say the curse is?"

"Its got about half a day before it descends upon us." Mito nods again. The silence deafening. "Is there really nothing we can do?" Leorio whispers. Kurapika places a comforting hand on Leorio's shoulder as he shakes his head. "Once it's in motion we can't stop it." One by one the members in the war room leave, everyone seeming succumb to their thoughts. Many of them still trying to think of ways to possibly stop the curse, even though they know it's pointless. But what more can be done? They can't just sit still and do nothing. Pointlessly thinking on the curse felt more productive to most of them. Mito makes her way to the celebration disheartened that she has to be the bearer of more terrible news. But she feels they have the right to know.

"I should probably send my spy out again, to keep tabs on the spell." Chrollo mutters when all that's left is Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio. Kurapika shakes his head. "Don't waste your time surveilling the curse." Chrollo clenches his fists and kisses Kurapika briefly on the lips, Leorio looking away immediately. "I have to do something. Come to my room later, we can spend the night together." Kurapika nods and gently grabs Chrollo's hand and squeezes it gently before their hands seem to slowly disconnect, Chrollo leaving the room after sending Kurapika another brief smile.

"So we might not be friends in this new life huh?" Leorio whispers after the war room door closes. Gon places his hand on Leorio's shoulder as they all look out the window. "Different world or not, deep down we would know we are friends." Gon responds without hestitation. Kurapika gives a light chuckle. "Yeah nothing is going to stop this connection. Pretty sure not even the curse would be able to stop the sex crazed bunnies either." Kurapika smirks as Killua blushes and smacks Kurapika's shoulder and Gon's as well, because he simply wheezes in response to Kurapika's quick-witted comment.


"Gon its midnight, why are we currently going through your maze garden?" Killua asks, his voice groggy since Gon woke him up like an excited puppy. Gon just shushed him instead of responding. Killua glares at the back of Gon's head. Once they make it to the secret garden. Gon lightly touches the carvings on the tree, his eyes sparkling as he looks at Killua. Killua's heart rate seems to pick up at it's own accord. Gon chuckles breathily. "I forgot to mention one other special thing about this place. A tradition of sorts." He whispers.

Killua blinks. "And you saw fit to tell me this at midnight?" Gon bites on his lip and nods, while scratching the back of his head. "Yes, I mean if we only have a few hours left, I figured you should know this." Killua nods in understanding.

"The tradition is simple really. I always found it tedious really, but given the circumstances, It seems fitting. One would always propose in this garden." Gon whispers softly. Killua can't help but fiddle with his hands as he gulps. Is this really happening? Gon tears up. "I figured since you wouldn't remember me in a few hours, I would like those last hours to be memorable." Killua releases a shuddering breath as Gon gets on one knee. "Killua Zoldyck, I have loved you the moment my axe killed that forsaken one behind you and instead of yelling at me like most people would, you thanked me." Gon chuckles at the thought. Killua chuckling as well as tears pool at his eyes. He can practically hear his heart at the base of his ear drums. "You had my heart that moment and you have kept it and you will never lose it. You are the love of my life, my soulmate. I can't imagine my life without you, that's why I will be grateful for simply knowing you in this new found world we will find ourselves in and I vow right now I will stop at nothing to get you to fall in love with me. No matter what world or timeline we are in. You and I will always be one. I know I will always find you. Because you are my Snow White. So Snow will you do me the honour of marrying me?"

Killua sobs out a chuckle before nodding his head aggressively. "Yes! Yes you stupid Charming man!" Gon chuckles as he places the ring on Killua's finger. "Leave it to you to insult me while saying yes." Killua chuckles before dropping to his knees beside Gon. "Shut up." Killua states while smiling before locking his lips with Gon's. Gon responds immediately, his hands gripping Killua's waist tugging him closer. They kissed like it was their last night alive. In a way it was.

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