April 10th

16 1 0

A week in the life
I woke up under the bright blue sky, the trees looking over me.
We ate oatmeal and granola bars while talking about the night before.
On our hike back we spoke of our lives and hopes.
And right before we left we looked over the people dancing by the river.
When I finally got home I collapsed in my bed.
What a wonderful coffee shop sunday.
On monday i woke up early and was on my way to school.
While I was there I delta deep sense of peace,
Like life could throw anything at me and I'd be okay.
I don't need to have a million things to be happy,
I do not require anyone but myself to be happy.
It was tuesday when I was reflecting on how lucky I am to be me,
A walk in the woods to clear my head,
Or time with those I hold closest.
I was happy to see him even if he was struggling to get through the day.
I am happy to be in my body and in my position today.
It had been a while since I wrote with this much passion.
I sat at the table with ideas flowing through me for hours.
I wrote energetically about the color of the trees and the thoughts in my head.
I have my writer self back.
On Thursday I drew a pretty picture,
It was of a person with half a head and endless intricacies.
All in pencil and paper,
In a notebook from Canada.
I woke up and went to the thrift shop,
I got a backpack and a frame,
Someone paid for my trip.
Soon after I went to sing karaoke,
I sang Vienna by Billy Joel,
Younger me would be so proud,
I was always too scared to sing.
It was a Saturday when I started to make my own tarot cards,
I drew many eyes and scribbled on my notecards.
I went walking and watched movies with my family.
I stayed up late texting my online friends.
What a wonderful week.

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