Izuku tearfully nodded his head at his father, he'd realized now the potential danger he'd put himself in all for the sake of rushing his progress. He grabbed back with both hands as his dad hugged him again, he sat and wept there for a while as the pain began to set in just about everywhere.

Sniffling and collecting himself Toshinori broke the hug once again, "ok, I know your sick of the hospital and seeing how your....hand. Works so far, how about I call RG and have her come here to check this out?" He watched as Izuku gave a tired and an ashamed nod.

Calling the famous heroic doctor and making her aware of the situation, who then yelled and berated Toshinori for leaving the boy alone and unsupervised at a time like this. He'd never feared more for his life before, if there was anyone who could put the fear of god into God! It was her! Taking a deep breath he grabbed the kit that was supplied to them in order to treat Izuku, including his meal plans, routine, and right now most importantly medication. Taking the syringe he returned to see Izuku wheezing in pain his eyes shut tight and his hands balled right into fists. Quickly rushing over and injecting the substance into him Toshinori watched as instant relief washed over the boy before he swiftly lost consciousness and fell asleep.

Taking a deep breath Toshinori sighed and just stared at his son and what he'd done. He couldn't help but he impressed that the kid had done something that caused so much pain and he did it alone. It was actually commendable! He couldn't help but think 'when the hell did he get the time?!' Though it dawned quickly that Izuku had yet to sleep. He continued to admire his sleeping son until he heard a VERY loud banging on the front door....all the way from the garage. 'He was so screwed'

Approaching the door ever so slowly Toshinori prepared himself reaching out for the handle, as soon as he touched it the door flew open and he was sent tumbling to the floor! In the door way stood a shadowed recovery girl her glasses the only thing reflecting the light, Toshinori swore he saw lightning behind her!

"Toshinori....what's this about the boy hurting himself." She spoke with a soft voice, but her tone was nothing but sinister. Toshinori truly feared for his life.

After receiving the blind eye of the Hippocratic oath, the duo made there way to the garage and to the couch where Toshinori had moved Izuku to after he fell asleep. Recovery girls mood switched to something softer, as she watched the boy twitch and move in his sleep. Her gaze fell to the focus of what this call was about, resting on his chest was Izukus right stump with what appeared to be a mechanical sort of prosthetic attached. She's noticed that it was a form of coupling attached to the stump which the arm was then connected to. Mentally she actually applauded to boy for making his own prosthetic both on his own and in such a short amount of time! However the rational side of her wanted to beat the boy senseless for such recklessness! Taking a deep sigh she made her way to sleeping boy and began inspecting the arm and coupling.

"I can't tell much since it's all techy mumbo jumbo, but based upon what you told me the coupling attached to his arm seems to be a sorta bridge point for his nerves. Based on how he also seared it to his skin and with how it's secured I'd imagine it's also fused to the bone." She pinched the bridge of her nose before she continued "from what I can tell it's actually quite ingenious but still foolish and reckless! There isn't much I can do right now so just monitor! Him extensively and ask him if there's any pain. Now, give these to him every four hours." She handed the man a small casing filled with stronger pain killers. "AND! If the boy even dares to attempt something like this again I'll bury you both where no one will find you!"she semi yelled hitting Toshinori once more with the deadly cane.

Toshinori took every single bit of the information as seriously as possible but his mind came to a conclusion. "It's the way he is, always has been super independent hehe. But I think we both know he's not gonna stop, you didn't see the look that I saw. The determination, the anger and sadness?! So what I'm asking you Chio, help him" he'd brought himself into a low bow begging the woman for help.

"Help him?! With what?! Making more of these things!" She pointed to the prosthetic.

"Help guide him where I can't! If he's going to continue this path I'd rather he does it with guidance and support! So he can find the limits! Please Chio, help my son make himself whole again!" He knew no matter what they did Izuku would never stop until he achieved what he was after, so why not make it safer for him.

Recovery girl glared at Toshinori and then Izuku, she could feel her heart soften against her wishes.
"FINE! Fine! I'll see what I can do!" Toshinori sighed in relief and said about a million thank yous to the youthful heroine.

Whilst the two adults discussed Izuku and his newest bodily addition, the boy in question was having an unfortunate dream. He could see and feel his body laying rotten on the street, birds picked at his corpse and people recorded the sight. He could hear laughter from Izumi and Bakugo, he just wanted it to end. He wanted to sweet release of death, but it never came for him. As he sat there perpetually choking on his own blood he could hear something new. A metallic clang banging against the concrete ever so slowly approaching his cadaver. Izukus eyes focused on a metal boot that stepped in front of his face. Only able to watch he sat there as a figure crouched down in front of him, a metal arm hung limply in front of the person. Izukus eyes looked up to see a horrific sight, a man sat there his forest green hair blowing in the mind, his steel jaw shimmering in the setting sun. A visor shifted from his eyes and folded around his head, the emerald orbs stared down at Izuku. Their breaths were stuttered with a soft clicking coming from them as they breathed. His mechanical jaw opened and a robotic metallic voice sounded from the maw.

"WaKe the FucK uP DekU!, we've Got a city to burn!"

Authors note:
Lol I had to make atleast one cyberpunk reference! But anyway! Who is this mysterious mechanical figure?! What do they want?! I think most of you will get it lol!

So far what the majority of people seem to want is the original IzuMei ship which I'm happy to comply with, it'll be a little bit harder but I'll manage.

Stay baller dudes

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now