"The Duke seems...upset" Benedict sighed as they began circling each other, "Simon is stubborn he is just too stubborn to admit it" She gave him a reassuring smile as they switched hands and turned the other way. 

    "Sounds like someone I know" He let out a laugh as she scrunched her nose "Please he is more like Elliot than me" 

     "Isn't Elliot your twin?" Elizabeth rolled her eyes playfully as they returned to the proper waltz. 

    "The Queen is holding an event at Somerset, can I hope to see you there?" He asked.

     "I would die before I missed such an event" She began to grin like a giddy toddler "All those paintings, I could look at them for days" Benedict tilted his head,

      "You've been before?" 

     "Oh yes when I was little, I only remember bits and pieces but the beauty is still perfectly clear in my mind" Benedict nodded, his eyes grazing every feature. 

    "Benedict" She hushed, her breath feeling electric against his skin "Benedict" She raised her tone, now jolting him a bit. "You've stepped on my toe" She pouted 

   "Oh! My apologies. I am so sorry, are you alright?" Elizabeth laughed at his frantic apology. 

     "You are fine, you just seemed to daze a little...are you feeling alright?" She looked up at him concerned,

     "No, I am fine Lizzie I just seem to be lost in thought is all" "And what entangled your mind so easily?" She teased leaning towards him a little more.

     "You"   The words took her back a bit as her entire face became red hot, and it was as if everything faded. Nothing else mattered except him 

    "You are the air that I breathe, the paintings I create, the inspiration in my mind. You Elizabeth Sheppard are the reason my mind has become so entangled. Only You" Elizabeth remained speechless, and Benedict could tell it was in a good way as her eyes seemed to light up.

    "And you, Benedict Bridgerton, are the greatest man I have ever met" She watched his cheeks turn a tinge of pink "So much so that I cannot put it into words" And with their proclamations in the air, the music died down and Elizabeth saw Lady Danbury waiting for her.

     "Excuse me Mr. Bridgerton it seems I am being called" Benedict nodded, kissing her gloved hand, the heat of his lips leaving a permanent reminder for Elizabeth as she walked away.

       Elizabeth settled back into the comfort that was Lady Danbury "Lord Bridgerotn was quite the gentleman, saving you from the Duke's quick exit" The older woman smirked.

      "He is indeed" Elizabeth sighed, trying to find Simon so she could give him a piece of her mind. But the crowd then parted to reveal the queen with her nephew, a prince from Prussia who was making their rounds about the room. They made their way towards Daphne, the Queen introduced the Prince who kissed Daphne's hand elegantly. The pair only exchanged a few words before Daphne fumbled and snorted slightly, leaving the queen horrified as she quickly dragged the prince away.

     "Lady Danbury" The queen arrived, the young Prince's arm around hers,

     "Your Majesty" Elizabeth quickly bowed along with Lady Danbury.

     "Allow me to introduce my nephew Prince Frederick of Prussia. Frederick this is the jade I spoke of Lady Sheppard, the current Marchioness of Norwich" Elizabeth slowly lifted her eyes to meet his. He was fairly handsome with a head of blonde hair and dazzling. He slowly reached forward, kissing the top of her hand.

      "It is so lovely to meet you, Miss Sheppard, your beauty is just as my Aunt described" He spoke in a Prussian accent but his words still made her blush.

     "The pleasure is all mine" She smiled softly at him.

       "We must make our way around the room but if I may ask for a dance later?" He cocked his head "I would be honored" And as the prince left Elizabeth turned to be congratulated by Lady Danbury.

     "Well done my dear" She squeezed her hand, "Thank you" Elizabeth smirked, her eyes drifting to the crowd to see Benedict's, his jaw was clenched and his eyes narrowed as jealousy filled him.

    "Lady Sheppard" Prince Frederick's voice caused her to turn around. "I believe I promised you a dance" He softly smiled holding out his hand.

      "Thank you for remembering Your Highness" Her smile widened as he took her onto the dance floor. His eyes seemed tired and his demeanor was slightly rugged compared to before.

      "You seem distressed" Elizabeth tilted her head as he sighed.

      "My Aunt is determined I dance with all the beautiful women in the country" He rolled his eyes slightly grabbing her arm with a slight squeeze and spinning her around. 

      "A toling task I assume?" 

     "It is more than toling" He joked causing her to giggle "My Aunt tells me you are a Marchioness? At such a young age?" Elizabeth's eyes flickered to the floor for a moment.

      "My mother died when we were young, when I was 18 my father gave me the title since he never remarried" The prince frowned,

      "I am so sorry-" "It is no trouble at all, I only have fragments of memories so, in the end, it does not hurt that much, only stings. I have Lady Danbury and the Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton to thank for that, they've been a wonderful support for my family for years" The Prince's lips turned upright

  "I take it you know Miss Bridgerton well?"Elizabeth nodded,

     "She is only my closest and dearest friend, I think of her as a sister" The Prince nodded now shifting the pair to face the other side of the ballroom "I'm sorry you are forced into such silly dances" Elizabeth hushed, her words took the prince back a bit.

      "It is quite alright, I have...gotten used to it I assume. I would frankly rather sit and talk, you learn much more about a lady when you talk" Elizabeth raised a brown. 

     "And Ladies do not talk when they are with you?" Frederick slightly chuckled and shook his head "Ladies talk of their future as wives like they are cattle, unlike you who seem to speak without a goal" Elizabeth shrugged.

      "I've never seen a point in luring in a gentleman. My father always said marriage should be like a partnership, both sides give and take" 

     "Well your father seems like a great man" He smirked his eyes trailing towards Daphne.

      "I take it your attention has fallen upon Miss Bridgerton?" The prince's eyes widened, "I'm sorry I did not mean to offend you-"

      "It is quite alright Your Highness, I see the way you look at her, there is no offense here" The prince nodded as the music stopped and the couple bowed "But if you ever need a lady to have a proper conversation with I am always available" The Prince kissed her knuckles and smirked 

    "I would like that Miss Sheppard, have a wonderful night" 

     "You as well your highness"

~~Artiste~~(Benedict Bridgerton)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ