I set them down in front of him and he slides me a ten dollar bill.

"Thanks." I say, getting him the change.

"Keep the change." He says, sipping his milkshake.

"What d'you think?" I ask.

"10/10. Definitely coming back." He nods. I laugh and so does he.  My wrist watch goes off signaling that my shift is over but the dude that's supposed to work after me, Mitchell, isn't here yet.

Suddenly the doors swing open and in rushes Mitchell, panting as if he were just running.

"Right on time." I chuckle. He puts on his apron and I take mine off, putting away the things I'd taken out.

"Is this your boyfriend?" He whispers as he passes me.

"He wishes." I whisper back. He chuckles. I round the counter and walk up to Ezra.

"Bye, Mitch." I wave towards Mitchell as we exit. Ezra waves with a milkshake in his hand.

We walk outside and Ezra hands me the milkshake.

"For me?" I ask.

"For you." He nods.

My heart warms at the simple gesture.

"Where's the library?" He asks, walking forwards. I grab his hand and lead him in the opposite direction he was heading in and towards the library. It's a two minute walk from work. It's a 24 hour library, so it's open at night too.

He asks me how my day went as we make our way to the library and, soon enough, we reach the library.

I greet the librarian, Catherine, the super nice woman with graying hair that sits behind the desk, and make my way towards the fictional aisle. He follows me around like a lost puppy, his eyes wandering across the multiple books. I love the library. It's one building that holds so many alternate worlds. Where everyone's a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies. Kidding.

I feel Ezra's presence suddenly disappear and hear his footsteps walking away. I scan the bookshelf, looking for A Farewell To Arms by Ernest Hemingway. I'm curious to see what it has to offer.

Ezra comes back holding two or three soft covered books, flipping through pages.

"Here, you need these." He hands me the books and I take them hesitantly.

"Thank you?" I say, it's more like a question, though. I read over the books and my jaw drops. He suppresses a laugh.

"Ezra!" I whisper-shout, shoving the books back at him. He cackles.

"That's just...smut! What the hell! Put those back..." he snickers as he goes to put them back. He comes back shortly after, holding nothing, I narrow my eyes at him and he does the same.

I feel his eyes on me as I look for the book. It has to be here.

"What are you looking for?" He asks, following my gaze.

"A Fairway To Arms." I respond. He's quick to reach up and grab it, handing it to me.

"Thank you." I say.

I open it to a random page and Ezra shifts behind me to read over my shoulder. I stay still, trying not to lean into the heat radiating off his body.

"Why, darling, I don't live at all when I'm not with you." He reads aloud, his hot breath fanning over my exposed neck and collar bone.

I slightly suck in a breath of cool air, trying to control the heat spreading inside of me.

"It's a good book." He says, leaning away. As soon as he does so, a feeling of cool air replaces him.

"You've read it?" I ask, clutching it to my chest and turning towards him as he looks around at other books.

"Yes." He nods.


I walk out of the library with five other books, two of them Ezra insisted I read, and no they weren't straight up dirty or anything, they were old classics.

"Shall I escort you to my house or your house?" He asks.

"Yes..." I trail off, thinking of something else.

"My house it is." He chuckles, throwing our empty milkshakes away.

"Can we go back to my house to feed Igor, though?"

He looks down at my with a smile as we start to walk back. "Of course."

"Did you know that a duel of three people is called a truel?" I ask.


"Well it is. Your welcome."

"Thank you." He chuckles.

When I see that nobody is around, I stick my foot in front of his leg and snicker as he trips. He doesn't fall though. He looks up and glares at me.

"The English vocabulary doesn't have enough words to describe how badly I want to throw a chair at you, right now." He says, breathing in deeply. I throw my head back laughing.

word count: 1431

hola amigos, I'm hoping no more chapters randomly disappear or idk what I'm gonna do but it won't be good. Anywho. It's Sunday night which means tomorrow I have school. I hate Sundays because I get anxiety just thinking abt the school I have the next day. Idk if y'all see if the same way but yeah. Anywho,
Stay safe<3

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