I lifted my head off of her shoulder and placed a soft kiss on her cheek causing her nose to scrunch up in the most adorable manner. God, I was so mesmerized by the girl beside me that neither Ryan Gostling or Logan Lerman could even compete with her.

I clicked 'play' on the DVD player, starting the first movie, but my mind was elsewhere. I only managed to watch small pieces of each movie because of the thoughts floating in my head.

I knew that Lauren felt strongly for me; either that or she was the best actor in the world, but I was still anxious about her reaction to the question that I would soon have to ask her. Lost in thought, I didn't even notice that the end of the second movie was already quickly approaching. It wasn't until I felt a hot tear on my shoulder that I finally snapped back into reality. I looked to the TV only to see Noah and Ally laying together. I always felt special when I got to see Lauren's emotional side, but I also felt obligated to cheer her up immediately.

"Lauren, are you okay?" I asked, lifting her chin so that our eyes met.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just sad... But it's sweet. I always cry when I watch this movie." she answered. Her cheeks were slightly red from a mixture of tears and embarrassment.

I wanted to tell her I loved her right then. Her cheeks were slightly puffy, but she had a smile on her face. I had resisted kissing her all morning but now there was nothing that could hold me back, and my desires were too great to even attempt to conceal. I got up from my position beside the girl and sat on her lap facing her, my legs wrapped around her torso. I kissed her gently, slowly, taking her top lip in mine. It was gentle, but at the same time passionate because of the amount of emotion it contained. I pulled away quickly, sighing in contempt.

"Sorry I didn't brush my teeth." I said, laughing at the realization.

"I guess it's okay this one time, Camz." she replied, a giddy smile on her face.

Despite her words, she leaned in, molding our lips together for a second brief kiss.

"Okay, maybe two times. But that's it." she stated firmly, a puppy dog pout appearing on her face in protest at her own action.

I was nervous for this evening, but a part of me was eager for it. I was eager to be able to call Lauren mine after three months of acting like it.

"Okay, so it's almost four and neither of us have eaten all day. I don't know about you but I'm starving, so I'll go make us some food and you can start getting ready. All I can tell you right now is that we are going hiking so wear something comfortable." I revealed, climbing off of the older girl and making my way to the kitchen to prepare sandwiches and chicken salad for tonight.

It wasn't long before I was finished, and Lauren was dressed. I filled a small basket with a blanket, a container of fruit, sandwiches, chicken salad, and two water bottles, before making my way to the bathroom to clean myself up for tonight.

I washed my face, brushed my hair, and changed, before butting on my favorite perfume. I hadn't put on any makeup all week, but today I applied a small amount of mascara and concealer. I walked out of the bathroom somewhat satisfied with my appearance, only to see Lauren on her usual spot on the couch engaged in a book. It was already five o'clock, which meant we needed to leave soon if my plan was going to work out like I wanted it to.

"Are you ready?" I asked, my voice wavering from nerves.

"Extremely." she answered, closing the book quickly and placing it on the table beside the couch.

"Let's go then, Ms. Jauregui." I said, in a British accent, holding my hand out for the other girl to take.

"So are you going to tell me where we are going now?" she asked as we walked out of the cabin.

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