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           It was a tensed silence, the one which followed Klaus' question. The way he sounded so very eager to end this thing that tied them together hurt Alexandra in a way she hadn't expected. He struck an invisible cord in her heart, and the pain it caused was immediate.

She was sitting so close to him, his hand remained on her back. But the comforting touch was no longer so, it just induced more pain, almost like it burned through her shirt and to her flesh.

Therefore, she moved pulled away, tried to have some space between them. Her eyes remained focused on Bonnie, avoiding his eyes. She didn't want to see how he looked; she didn't want to meet his eyes for fear of being hurt even more.

Bonnie seemed to contemplate her answer. A second later she said, "Ayanna made it sound that the bond was important for some bigger picture which I don't know of." She turned to Alexandra and her features softened, "But don't worry. I'm resourceful and I'm sure I'll find something."

Alexandra tried to plaster a smile on her face, she really did, but it came slow, hesitant and sad. When she tried to speak, her voice came broken and weak. It was as if she hadn't spoken in years. She cleared her throat and tried again, "Thanks, Bonnie."

When Bonnie got up, Alexandra followed suit. "If it's alright, I'd like to speak with you for a bit." She glanced around the room then back to the witch, "Alone." She emphasized and Bonnie nodded her head. The two left the mansion together, leaving the others to throw daggers at Klaus.

"There were better ways to ask your question, perhaps at a more appropriate time." Elijah said in a calm tone.

Klaus decided to ignore him and the dagger-like glare Rebekah threw his way. They didn't understand his motive, they could never understand how he felt. Therefore, he didn't need their judgments. He got up and strolled to his room, seeming nonchalant. But no one could see the fire that was burning in his heart.

"I think she's really upset, Bekah." Jeremy whispered in her ear. "Maybe I should follow them."

She nodded, "Do that and text me later." Jeremy gave her his famous boyish smile then left after the two girls.

Elijah and Rebekah shared a knowing look, "I think I have found the one thing I have always wanted for Niklaus."

Rebekah shook her head at Elijah's words, "But he's about ready to ruin it all because he's a coward. Alex is really good, and Elijah, she's my friend." She empathized the pronoun thickly, "She deserves better."

Elijah nodded, "I understand. I only hope that she has the well and the patience to deal with him."


Alexandra was in the front seat of Bonnie's car, while Jeremy remained in the backseat. She made sure they were at a safe distance from the mansion before she started, "Look, whatever I'm going to ask, I want you to not tell anyone about it." Bonnie turned to her and gave a firm nod right away without even considering it.

Alexandra turned to Jeremy, who asked worriedly, "What about Rebekah?"

Alexandra smiled, "She's an exception to that."

"What do you want to know, Alex?" Bonnie asked her in a more sombre and very serious tone. She was trying to ignore the fact that Jeremy cared about Rebekah. It was all so confusing for her, but it was something she'd talk to him about later on.

She let out a sigh, "This bond, uhm... does it..." She struggled to find the right words, "I mean can it make certain feelings happen?"

"You mean romantic feelings?" Bonnie asked but her eyes didn't leave the road.


"I'm not sure. It's possible."

It was silent again, her mind drifted to that one trail of thoughts she had attempted to ignore. "There's a chance that none of it is real... I can wake up one day and not feel the way I do now." Her hand touched her chest, the ache from his obvious desire to break whatever bond they shared still as clear the day.

Bonnie let out a breath as she pulled over in the Cameron's driveway. "The way Ayanna talked, it sounded like you're really special to him somehow." Bonnie's eyes turned more determined as she held her gaze, "But I'll find a way to break the bond no matter what!"

She must be really twisted in the head to think she didn't mind having that bond with him, "Like really fucked up, because that's going ninety miles beyond the line of normal." She thought with a scoff. "Thank you, Bonnie."

Jeremy exited the car with me, "I think I should stay with her." He told Bonnie who gave him a smile. As she drove away, the two younger teenagers were staring at each other.

"Tell me you are not with her anymore." She said in a slightly pleading tone. She didn't want her friend to hurt Jessica that way.

"We're over, been so for sometime now." Jeremy said as they arrived at her front door.

She opened it and they got inside. "Good, because I'm sure Rebekah will find a very painful way to kill you."

"Why the hell is there a crack on your wall?" Jeremy asked not catching the humor on her earlier words. His eyes were wide in shock as he stared at the wall.

"Long story." She said with a sigh then went to the kitchen to prepare some coffee, "One that involves both Stefan and Klaus."

"I don't know what you've got yourself into, Alex." He let out a sigh, then plopped on the couch stretching his feet to the coffee table in front of it. "How the fuck did you end up in some twisted love triangle with Stefan and Klaus?" His nose scrunched in disgust, "I mean out of everyone it had to be Klaus? He killed Jenna, you know that, right?"

She took a seat next to him, and a long breath left her chest as she shook her head, "I know you hate him, rightfully so. But if we're going to talk about who killed who, then everyone is just evil. Damon and Stefan included." She shook her head, "I know it's fucked up, but I can't help the way I feel."

Jeremy looked alarmed by her words, "You seriously feel something for him?"

Alexandra nodded her head, and her shoulders slumped, "I don't know what's going on in my head anymore. He's just... There's side of him that I know exists, a side that I got to see glimpses of." She held his eyes, "He's not all bad, believe me."

He wanted to outright deny her words. He wanted to yell at her for how absurd her thoughts were, but he refrained. Rebekah sprang to his mind, "I wish it was just good and evil, black and white. This is..."

Finishing his words for him, "It's frustrating."

He wrapped an arm around her, and she leaned on his body, trying to draw comfort from the familiarity of their friendship. "We're screwed, aren't we?" He asked in a rhetorical way.

"So, very screwed." She looked up holding his gaze with a more determined look. "But, just like always, we will rise above and survive it together."

"Like we always did."

"Like we always did."

It was more of a promise they exchanged. They have seen so many things int heir short life together. And no matter what happened, they'd always find their way to each other. She'd help him, pull him back up on his feet, and he'd always do the same for her.

Jeremy chuckled, and Alexandra gave him a confused look, "If you jump, I jump." He said the words she had told him years ago when they were by the falls.

Giving him a soft smile, "Always."


Hello beautiful people,

I know this chapter wasn't much, but the highlight of it is the friendship between Jeremy and Alexandra. I really love it for some reason. Maybe because I never had a friend like that? 😂

Anyway, as I always say, thank you all for each and every read, vote, and comment. They all mean a lot to me. ❤️

Lots of love 💕,
Alex xoxo

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