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Bonnie took a step closer. The woman didn't give her a feeling of danger; she didn't see her as a threat. "I'm Ayana." The woman said with a kind tone. "As to where you are." Ayana looked around the back at Bonnie. "It's the nowhere of your mind. A place you wouldn't reach on your own."

"Why am I here? Is this about Alexandra?" Bonnie asked her with furrowed eyebrows.

"It is." Ayana moved closer and touched Bonnie's cheek slightly. "Being part of our line, is a great sacrifice." She let out a sigh, "It's a constant fight. Bonnie, I've gone against them and everything I know for this, for what I think is right."

"The ancestors don't want you to be here?" Bonnie concluded, and although it sounded like a question, she already knew the answer.

"They believe things to be in black and white. I think you used to think the same way too. It is important that you help her, dear child. It's important that you help her survive. Esther isn't going to let her live, neither of them would live."

"But how is Alexandra and Klaus connected? It doesn't make any sense."

"Cast the spell I tell you, we don't have much time." Ayana said with a sudden urgency in her voice. "You're my blood, and you're the only one who can overrule Esther's doing."

Bonnie's surroundings changed, the same blinding white light again, and she opened her eyes to a the same room next to Alex. She looks around her, "I know what I have to do now."


Rebekah pulled Stefan out of the room and cornered him despite his complains. He struggled with her, but was forced to step out of the room. "What the hell is going on with you, Stefan?" He was about to retort, but she stopped him with the full knowledge that he would feed her some lie or another. "Before you conjure some bloody bullshit, remember that I can compel you."

"I know that fact quite well, Rebekah. Your brother made sure that I know of it very well." Stefan replied with no emotions showing on his face or his tone.

"Well then, what's happening? I thought you followed the doppleganger like a lost puppy, why so suddenly care for Alex?" She moved closer, squinting her eyes at him, "What happened that made her so interesting?"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

She held his face with her hand, and looked straight into his eyes, "You will tell me how you feel about Alexandra."

"I care about her." His answer was monotonic, despite trying to fight it off he couldn't stop her compulsion.

"How do you see her exactly?" Rebekah asked with furrowed eyebrows. She had expected he would say something along the lines of being guilty for what he had done with his emotions off. She thought he would tell her she was innocent or that Elena asked him to help her. But his answer held more than that.

"Smart, radiant, beautiful, loyal, and brave. That's Alexandra." Stefan retorted and the bit he added had nothing to do with the compulsion. "She shouldn't be with someone like Klaus. I can see how he looks at her, how she looks at him. This isn't fair."

"Oh my God! Stefan, do you love Alexandra?" Rebekah couldn't believe her own ears, she didn't expect that. Stefan had been so wrapped up in Elena and the thought that he would consider anyone else sounded crazy to her. Almost impossible.

Stefan looked away, "Stop meddling with my love life, Rebekah. We're too old for this."

He was about to walk away, but she held his arm with a tight grip, and she looked straight into his eyes. "Nik will have your head, Stefan. Consider this as a friendly warning."

She was quite sure that her brother wouldn't accept it, not with the way he seemed to care for her friend. There was something going on between Klaus and Alex, that much Rebekah was sure of.


"I don't know how it happened!" Bonnie exclaimed in frustration and it was the first thing Stefan and Rebekah heard once she got back into the room. Elijah and Klaus were with her, and her eyes found the latter, almost with a horrified look on her face. "What did you do?"

"If you don't speak witch, I'll rip your throat out." Klaus gritted impatiently.

Bonnie, who would usually react to his disrespect, seemed nonchalant about it that time. Her eyes kept drifting between Alexandra and Klaus. "There's a connection." She started, seeing red fine lines extending between the two. They looked like veins, almost pulsating with life.  "She's connected to you, and you're connected to her."

Elijah stepped forward, "Ms. Bennet, I need you to explain this better. How are they connected? Is that like the binding spell Esther had tried to cast on us."

Bonnie shook her head, "It's more than that." She shook her head and held Elijah gaze, "They're sharing a life force. Her death means his, and his death would mean hers."

"What?!" Stefan yelled the question and they all fell into a tensed silence. Klaus was standing shell-shocked in place; he knew something was off from the very beginning. She wasn't just average or normal and the way she attracted him like gravity didn't feel right. It was confirmed even further when Esther used her blood at the ball.

"So, they share a life bond?" Elijah, forever collected and calm, asked.

"How did that happen?" Stefan asked, the his eyes fell on Alexandra, "How did her fate become tied to his?" His tone turned soft and more tender.

Bonnie stared at him for a moment longer, "Let me do some search." Klaus jolted out of the room without sparing any of then a glance. Elijah let out a sigh, then excused himself and left after him.

"I'll take her back." Stefan was trying to walk closer to Alexandra's bed, but Rebekah stopped him.

"She's staying here." The threat was clear in her tone. "You don't want to fight me, Stefan. Leave."

He glanced at Bonnie, asking for her help silently, but there was a thoughtful look on her face that she didn't seem to notice him as she marched out of the room like a woman on a mission.

Rebekah raised an eyebrow at Stefan as if questioning him on whether he'd be ready to stand against her. At that moment, his phone rang and when he looked up he saw it was Elena.


Bonnie found Jeremy, someone she knew she could confide in. When she called him, they agreed to meet at her house to make sure there would be no prying ears. After the school day was over, Jeremy left to Bonnie's and when Elena asked him where he was going, he told her he would he at the Grill.

When he arrived at Bonnie's, once she opened the door she said. "I saw Ayana."

Jeremy furrowed his eyebrows, "Who?"

"My ancestor."


Hello beautiful people, ♥️

I hope you liked this chapter. I guess now we have an idea of how Stefan feels about Alexandra and how she's connected to Klaus.
Who do you think formed the life bond between them?

Finally, thank you for each comment, read, and vote. They all mean the world to me.

Lots of love 💕,
Alex xoxo

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