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               Damon was waiting for Elijah to answer his call with anxious eyes and angry pacing. At the fourth ring, Elijah answered but before he could say a work, Damon yelled, "You're brother has gone mad, Elijah. He kidnapped Jeremy and is threatening Elena's life if Bonnie doesn't show up."

"What are you talking about?" Elijah asked in a confused tone. He had been away making some calls and checking with his connections about the whereabouts of his mother. He could hear Elena's voice at the other end of the line, crying softly. A thought passed by his mind, a very quick thought which he dismissed right away, that Damon was agitated because of his feelings for Elena.

"I have no fucking idea." Damon stressed, "He ordered one of his lackeys to take him, Elena saw the whole thing. They were standing outside the Grill. He showed up at the Boarding House, demanding to find Bonnie and bring her to him or heads were roll."

"I'm on my way." Elijah stated then hung up the call, leaving Damon to wonder where he was heading exactly. He let out a breath and shook his head, his eyes found Alaric who gave him a look that clearly said he understood how he felt. It was just one thing after the other in Mystic Falls, and Damon desperately needed a break.


Alexandra was lying in Rebekah's room, the sun came up witnessing her uninterrupted agony. She felt like it was endless. Every single bone in her body hurt, her chest ached and burned with a strange fire. Whenever she opened her eyes she would close them shut hurriedly as she felt like every single vein in her brain was popping.

Klaus entered the strode into the room, and Rebekah jolted off her seat looking at him with expecting eyes. "Nik, tell me you found something!"

He shook his head, "The Bennett witch will be here soon." He heard Alexandra moan in pain and her hand flew to her head holding it tightly. Rebekah had been by her side all night, while Klaus contacted several witches, but they all demanded to see her in order to figure out more.

"How did you convince her to come?" Rebekah asked while closing the curtains shut when she noticed they hurt Alexandra.

Klaus gritted his teeth, his eyes glanced at Alexandra then back to his sister. "I didn't." He hoped his sister understood that he couldn't elaborate further. However, Rebekah wasn't about to question him. She couldn't bear to see her friend in that state.

Klaus took a seat next to Alexandra on the bed and held her hand. "You're going to be fine, love." He half hoped she would complain about him calling her love again, but her grip on his hand only tightened.

"I... Niklaus, I think I'm dying." She mumbled softly stammering through the words and her agony was reflected in tone.

It did something to him. The sight of her pain hurt him; Klaus could have sworn that he felt something stabbing his heart at that very moment. There was a strange feeling that followed straight away, he almost felt his heart shivering within his chest. It was a strange sensation. He realized he was afraid, scared of the idea of losing her.

"I won't let you die, Alexandra. You have my word, I will not let you die." He promised her tightly, and stood up. His eyes found Rebekah, "Stay with her. I'll be back with the witch."


Kol was the one who told Elijah about the situation. "It's like she's being tortured." He explained over the phone to Elijah. "We don't know what's going on, but Bekah is with her and Nik is a mess. You wouldn't believe it if you saw it with your own eyes, 'Lijah. He's acting like a bloody maniac and that's something coming from me."

Elijah was standing in the parlor of the Boarding House with Damon by his side listening in to the conversation. Stefan had been there, but once Kol explained what happened to Alexandra he flashed out of the house. When Elijah asked Damon with his eyes about that, he only shook his head. "So, I'll try and contact an acquaintance of mine, she owes me a favor."

"How did that girl become so involved in everything so suddenly, especially with your brother?" Damon inquired with narrowed eyes once Elijah hung up the call. "I mean Esther needed her blood, then kidnapped her and tried to kill her, and now this. What's going on?"

Elijah shook his head, "I'm not sure." They both shared a look and left the boarding house together.


"Stefan, I told you I want no part in this." Bonnie argues back adamantly. He had gone to her for help, she was the only one who could figure what was happening with Alex.

"She's got nothing to do with anything. She's human. She deserves your help, Bonnie."

"Am I not innocent? Did I not lose enough? I'm tired Stefan, I'm tired of trying to help everyone and I end up losing everything." Bonnie was fed up, she really was. She had died and came back to life, got her mother back only to lose her once again to vampirism, then lose her all over again because Abby didn't want to put her step-son's life in danger. Bonnie couldn't help but feel that she had no one.

"Klaus took Jeremy and he would kill him too. I know you, Bonnie. You won't let innocent people die just like that."


She wasn't sure where she was, but the pain had stopped and that was good enough for her. Alexandra opened her eyes to an unfamiliar room that looked like it was from years and years ago. "Like a different lifetime." She decided.

She got up from the strange bed in which she was lying and walked towards the door.  Once she opened it she could hear his laughter. "Niklaus." The familiarity of his voice gave her a sense of relief and she rushed to where she heard the voice from.  The hallway looked endless, but she knew his voice was coming from one of the rooms.

Walking down the dark hallway, she noticed several paintings hung at a distance from each other. Alexandra couldn't help but recall some of the scenes from the horror movies she had watched before. "Instead of ghosts, my horror movies have vampires, werewolves, witches, and hybrids." She humored her thoughts some more, until she found the door where the voice had been loudest. She cautiously opened the door and found Klaus standing there with his hair longer and his vampire face on display.

His clothes were covered in blood, and it dripped down his mouth cascading down his neck. On the floor of the room there were dead bodies, she could count to ten, they were all disfigured, torn to pieces, and some had their guts out. Her eyes looked up at him again and when he met hers she stiffened in place.


Hello beautiful people ♥️,

Did you find this chapter interesting? I sure hope you did. What do you think is going on with Alexandra? And what kinds of feelings does Stefan has for her? Questions, questions 😁

Thank you for each read, vote, and comment. They mean more than the world to me as you already know ❤️

Lots of love 💕,
Alex xoxo

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