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                    Between his arms she was bleeding, the light in her blue eyes was dimmed in a way the made her look lifeless. And her cold body only seemed to confirm that petrifying fact a little further. Klaus bit onto his wrist and urged her to drink his blood. She stared at him with pleading eyes and softly whispered, "You have to save him."

"He can rot in hell for all I care. Drink, Alexandra." He ordered her and shoved his wrist in her mouth. She was coughing out blood, a mixture of his and hers ran down the side of her mouth. "Try to drink, love. You can't die on me now."

Rebekah was watching from behind him with worried and glistened eyes. She had come to care for Alexandra really quickly; it was so fast that it took her by surprise. She turned when she heard Elijah and Damon join them. The latter ran towards Alaric and tried to feed him his blood. She could hear his faint heartbeat and she knew Alaric was barely alive.

Alexandra fell unconscious in Klaus' arms and he carried her bridal style, standing up and glaring at Damon. "Would you like to explain how that happened?" Alaric remained unconscious and Damon only looked at him worriedly before glancing at Klaus then drifted his eyes towards Elijah. The interaction drove Klaus to give his brother an accusing glare.

However, it was Rebekah who snapped first, "Do you know what's happening, brother?"

Elijah let out a breath, "The Gilbert ring." His tone made it sound like this should explain everything. The confused looks from Rebekah made him continue, "The little invention has a bit of a side effect. It drives whoever wearing it mad, hating vampires and anyone who sympathizes with them."

"But why would he come after Alex, why her? What about the dopplebitch?" Rebekah asked angrily.

Elijah's eyes were focused on Klaus as he said, "The same reason mother saw her as a target."


At the Gilbert's residence Stefan was pacing restlessly . He had been trying to call Damon and find out more about what had happened, but he didn't answer. The worried lines on forehead took Elena by surprise. It had been long since Stefan showed emotions so clearly. "I'm sure Damon would find him." She said softly trying to sound reassuring.

Stefan only nodded tightly but resumed his pacing. He couldn't tell her that he was worried about Alexandra. As far as Elena was concerned, the two didn't interact all that much. He wished to understand his feelings towards her a little better. Stefan knew he loved Elena; it was a fact he was pretty sure of. But he also knew that his feelings for Alexandra ran deeper than a simple friendship. "She should be fine." He decided to himself.

"I... I tried to talk to Bonnie." Elena's tone was full of sadness when she uttered the name of her best friend. "She doesn't wish to see me or even talk to me. I can't believe Damon did this. I can't believe he just turned her mother. I mean he wouldn't even apologize Stefan. How could he be so heartless!"

"What did you want him to do?" Stefan asked with a tone so quiet but the anger in it was clear. "What other choice did any of us have?"

"I don't know... Something, anything." Her frustrated and sad tone made the smallest parts of his heart soften. However, he had no answer to her.


Alexandra opened her eyes once more to an unfamiliar room. The first thing she saw was a ceiling that was too fancy to be her own. The feeling of the bedsheets beneath her hands were silky, unlike the ones she had. The second thing she saw was Klaus watching her with hawk-like eyes. "Welcome back to life."

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