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                    Rebekah didn't have any plans to find Alexandra. The conversation she was having with Jeremy was way too exciting and made her giddy inside. For someone as young as he is, Rebekah was surprised to enjoy the conversation they shared all that much. She even enjoyed the way he blushed when their eyes met for a bit longer.

Jeremy Gilbert wasn't what she expected at all and unlike how she would usually do, Rebekah wanted to take her time getting to know him before going into anything. Jeremy held a strong grudge against her family, not that she could blame him. She held an even bigger grudge against his sister after she had stapled her in the back, in the literal sense.

She wasn't sure how anything could ever work between them, but she knew whatever she was feeling wasn't one-sided. Jeremy had shown her a great deal of attention too. The late night texts and calls when they talked about anything and nothing.

When they arrived at her class, after she shifted her schedule to be with Alexandra, Jeremy said, "I'll see you during lunch?"

Rebekah nodded with a grin, "Sounds good." When she looked inside the class, she found almost everyone there, expect for Alexandra. She couldn't find her anywhere. "Shouldn't Alex be here already?" She asked Jeremy, who also scanned the class but didn't find her.

"Where's she?" He asked and fished for his phone. He tried calling her worriedly, "It goes straight to voicemail." He saw Rebekah's worried eyes, so he held her hand in a comforting gesture, "Maybe she went to the bathroom?"

Rebekah ignored the flattering of her heart, "I'll try and find her then. Can you look for her too? Text your friends, check if they saw her." Jeremy nodded his head they went separate ways.

She looked everywhere around the school, searched it up and down hoping to find her. Rebekah's mind kept playing the worst case scenarios. She thought that Esther could have taken her, or that the Salvatore's did to kill Klaus. She dismissed the last though, considering how she already knew that Stefan has feelings for her.

Her phone rang, snapping her out of her thoughts. When she found it was Jeremy she answered and with a hopeful tone she said, "Tell me you found her."

"Matt said he saw her talking with Stefan in the hallway then they walked together. He doesn't know where they went though."

"Bloody hell!" She exclaimed then ended the call. She knew she had to call Klaus. If he knew of this happening and she didn't tell him, she didn't think it would be enough to just dagger her. He might just kill her.

She met Jeremy at the school's enterance, he was waiting for her to arrive. "Rebekah, don't call Klaus yet."

"Jeremy! He's going to have our heads, like all of us, mine on top." She retorted frustratingly.

"Jeremy, what's going on?" Elena approached then sounding breathless like she ran all the way there. "You still didn't find her?" She asked worriedly.

Rebekah glared at Jeremy, "You called her? Really?" She scoffed and walked away from them, deciding that she will find Alexandra on her own.

"Rebekah wait!" He caught up to her, "It's not like that, you told me to text everyone and she just wanted to make sure that Alex is okay, we've known her since forever."  When Rebekah didn't lose the glare he said, "We can all find her together."

She rolled her eyes again, "Didn't you ever think that maybe your sister was behind this? That she's the one who took her to get rid of Nik."

"I would never!" Elena exclaimed, shaking her head, "Alex is like a sister to me. I won't hurt her like that."

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