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                    It wasn't hard for Alexandra to see that both men knew each other. It didn't take a genius to know that they didn't like each other either. She didn't answer Klaus' question; she decided not to take sides. She hated Stefan, still afraid of him, even if she didn't say it out loud, but she didn't know Niklaus either. 

He could be a serial killer for all I know. Maybe he's a serial killer and Stefan worked with him then they disagreed and that's why they're giving each other dagger-like glares.

She realized again how absurd her thoughts were. However, she decided to not dwell on that, everything has been absurd recently. She let out a breath and shook her head, "Seriously!" She exclaimed loudly, "I don't know what the fuck is going on here, but I'm sure it has nothing to do with me". She turned her heated gaze towards Stefan, her anger and fear burned clearly in her blue eyes, "Stay away from me, Stefan. Or God help me, I'll head to sheriff Forbes and tell her about your little venture into my house the other day".

Matt was watching the entire thing with batted breath. His eyes kept drifting between the main door and the table were Alexandra sat. The second he saw Stefan he texted Jeremy and told him to bring help, just in case.

Jeremy entered the Grill just in time to watch his friend's outburst. He rushed to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, while glaring at the two men. "You okay?" He asked, but his eyes never left them.

Stefan shared a nonchalant look with Jeremy and left the scene with a scoff, while Klaus stood for a minute longer staring at Jeremy's arm on her. "What did you mean when you said Stefan came into your place?". He asked with clenched jaw.

Klaus had known that the girl was friends with the Gilbert. He was also very sure that she knew nothing of the supernatural or she would be running for the hills at the sight of him. Instead when he approached her, she only showed her sparked interest and he could tell that she was attracted to him.

"It's none of your business, Klaus". Jeremy retorted with the vigor of a loyal friend.

Alexandra jolted away from Jeremy, taking a few steps away from him and pushing her chair a bit further, "w-what?". Her eyes drifted between the two of them, eyebrows knitted together, and eyes narrowed. Stammering through her words she asked, "H-how do you even know each other?".

"That's a long story, love. Perhaps young Jeremy here would like to fill you in". The amused tone that Klaus used contradicted how he really felt. He was beyond angry, he was furious, and he was about ready to lash out and rip every single person within the Grill apart.

Klaus departs leaving the girl staring after him with her mouth agape. She was sure she looked absolutely dumb at that moment. Her eyes drifted to Jeremy, full of questions that demanded answers.  "I think it's about time you fulfil that promise, my friend". She said with a threateningly low voice.

Jeremy turned to Alexandra with an accusing glare completely ignoring her earlier question, "How the hell do you know Klaus?".


Klaus stormed out of the Grill and his phone rang. It was Daniel updating him about the situation with the Bennett witches. Klaus knew he was close to getting his coffins, he already has a location.

Once the call ended, his mind drifted to the events which took place at the Grill. Stefan bloody Salvatore. He thought with clenched teeth. Klaus knew of her presence before his eyes fell on her; it wasn't hard. Her scent had been ingrained into his mind; it made his gums ache and the wolf in him stir. He knew that Stefan was trying to get a rise out of him. He remembered a conversation they had before, after Stefan had tried to threaten the doppelganger's life by driving towards the bridge.

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