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        Alexandra was listening to Stefan. Their hour-long conversation somehow drifted into his tales about the seventies. She found herself laughing at one of his stories, suddenly feeling at ease around him. She didn't think he would understand how grateful she was for him. He had managed to fill the void she had been feeling since Klaus'departure.

She didn't know what happened, but she heard the door of her house being pushed open. She could swear it was torn of its hinges with how loud the slam was. Then Stefan flashed from the couch, and in a blur she saw someone else shoving him onto the shelves on the wall of her living room. Stefan slammed loudly, the shelves were broken, and the wall was cracked.

Her wide-eyed gaze drifted from Stefan to Klaus, who stood in the middle of the room with his hybrid face on full display. Her mouth is just agape, nor words are coming out, as she stared at him unsure how to react. Before she could make a move, he flashed in front of her, his hand on the back of her neck, and pulls her for a searing kiss.

She was mad at him, only minutes ago Alexandra was furious. But when his lips touched hers and the warm skin of his hand wrapped around her neck, she found herself melting into his touch. His kiss wasn't sweet and passionate. It was a claiming kiss, one full of vigor, possessiveness, and even anger. Despite his forcefulness, she held the sides of his waist, her fingers curling around his Henley as she pulled him closer.

Klaus growled into the kiss when her mouth didn't open as per his request. His fingers curl around the hair on the back of her head, tilting her head to the side and forcing her to open her mouth with her gasp. Alexandra didn't understand what was happening, but she felt her entire body on fire. Yet, her hands were cold and clammy. Her chest burned as her lungs longed for air, but Klaus refused to pull away.

He couldn't remember tasting anything like her before; in fact, he was certain her taste was unmatchable and incomparable. He felt her soft hands, moving up his sides and caressing his chest. Her moves were hesitant, and he wasn't sure if it was out of fear, or lack of experience. He could hear her heart drumming in her chest, the scent of arousal coming off her body in waves, like a drug, and Klaus could see himself as an addict. Her body moved against him, brushing slightly his lower region, and no women had ever driven him so crazy so fast.

Alexandra pulls away, and he lets her. Her lips are swollen, her face flushed, and her blonde hair sort of a mess. Klaus decided she looked ethereal. An image worthy of being drawn by his own hands. Another image conjured itself in his mind, she was on his bed, writhing beneath him, as the softest moans left her mouth. Klaus almost groaned at the image until her voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"You disappear on me, ignore me, don't answer my calls, then you barge into my house like you fucking own the place, then you kiss me senseless. I mean, if that's not fucked up, I'm not sure what is." Her voice was breathless, and her glare cane weak. However, Klaus could hear the blame in her tone and the sadness behind her voice. If what Rebekah had told him was anything to go by, then the little human missed him as much as he missed her.

Klaus crossed his arms over his chest, a smirk on his face as his gaze drifted to Stefan, who for some reason stayed behind. Alexandra followed his eyes, and she felt the heat rising even more on her face. She couldn't believe that Stefan saw her like that. "Some people shouldn't touch what doesn't belong to them, right ripper?"

Alexandra felt like she couldn't breath. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck it. What sort of shitty movie did I get stuck in?!" Her thoughts didn't provide much help. She was embarrassed, excited, turned on, furious, and guiltily happy. They were all happening at once, and it was all because of him. "Could it be that he's jealous?" She wondered and bite the inside of her cheek to contain the smile. She decided that her first course of action is to get Stefan to leave and diffuse the situation.

"So you're here to stake your claim?" Stefan's tone held mockery, like the notion should offend Klaus. "Are you worried that I'd take her away?" He whispered his question too low, so she couldn't hear him.

Klaus was about to launch at him, but Alexandra stopped in front of him with a hand over his chest. She tried to make him look at her, but he wouldn't. "Niklaus." She whispered his name firmly and he looked at her. "Can you not kill people in my house?" Her question came out light, and Klaus wondered how she didn't fear him. How come she wasn't worried that he would attack her. Alexandra turned to Stefan, "I think it's best if you leave, Stefan."

"I don't think it's safe for you to be..." Stefan started but she interjected with a calm smile.

"To be with him?" She shook her head, "I'm sorry for what he did to you. I'm mad at him too, but I trust him." She tilted her to the side, gave a small sad smile, "I'm just foolish like that." She wanted Stefan to know that she had feelings for Klaus. She believed he got the message when he gave her a sad smile of his own and left the house.

Klaus wasn't sure how he felt, but it really resembled happiness. He couldn't believe she trusted him, it wasn't something he ever expected her to say. As much as they were both happy to see the other, they knew they had important matters to discuss.

Why and why they were bonded and whether or not any of their feelings for each other was real or it was all forced by the bond. Klaus knew his feelings were volatile, and if things kept going on the same way, he would soon lose control of himself around her. "Could that be Esther's plan from the start?"

"What the hell are we going to do about that wall?" Her voice interrupted his thoughts, and he saw her glancing at the wall where he had thrown Stefan.

"That should be the last of your worries, love."

She turned to him, scoffed, and raised an eyebrow, "First, don't call me love. Second, you're not the one who'll have to explain it to my father." She walked away mumbling something about finding her phone, and snobby immortal hybrids. Klaus found himself smiling, a genuine smile that only her could coax out of him. That felt very familiar to something he had felt a thousand years ago. He decided it was an idea for another time.

Alexandra got her phone, and her eyes became unfocused for a second. She didn't have any idea what she was doing, she let out a breath, her feelings were overwhelming her, but she decided to pretend to be strong. "Fake it till you make it, bitch!" She thought to herself. She knew she would succumb to her feelings eventually. But whether they were caused by a spell, or they were genuinely hers, Alexandra knew that being around Klaus would require every bit of her strength.

"What's taking so long, love?" She heard him as she stood in her kitchen.

"Stop calling me that!" She yelled though knowing she didn't have to.


Hello beautiful people ♥️,
How are you all doing? Did you like this chapter? 👀, Tell me you did! 😹

I didn't make Klaus go all berserk yet, trying to save it for something else tbh, but I hope this Klaus was hot too.

Finally, thank you for each read, vote, and comment. They all mean the world to me, really! I LOVE you all so so so much.
I hope this story can ease your stress and makes you forget all about real life ✌🏻

Lots of love 💕,
Alex xoxo

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