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             Klaus was watching one of the witches he threatened into helping Alexandra with hawk-like eyes. There was a predatory gleam in his eyes, a silent promise that if she didn't help then she'd lose her head. The witch let out a sigh, getting off the bed. She turned to Klaus with tired eyes, "Klaus, I've been trying for the past hour, but I can't seem to get through the barrier around her. It's like she's protected with magic."

Klaus held the witch by the neck, "I will kill you right here and now. You've got to help her." He yelled, and to anyone looking, he seemed crazy, like he had lost his mind. However, it was the fear that drove him to behave in that way.

Elijah, who had been watching his brother with confusion along with Rebekah, pulled him away from her. "Niklaus, She's not lying. Ms. Bennett will be here soon enough." Damon was the one who texted him that little information. "Bonnie is on the way, Stefan convinced her." The text stated.

Klaus reluctantly pulled away from the witch and his eyes glanced to Alexandra. Although she remained unconscious, her face gave off the pain she felt. And for the first time he thought that she looked like she was dreaming. He furrowed his eyebrows and decided what he would have to do.


"I must be dreaming." Alexandra decided to herself as her eyes and Klaus' held each other. She knew he was looking at her, but he didn't seem to see her. The look on his face was like nothing she had seen before; it slightly frightened her. The dead bodies surrounding him and the blood covering his attire and face all added to that.

"If this is a dream, then it's my dream." She thought to herself and took a hesitant, small step into the room. "I can control what happens here." She mumbled under her breath with the full intention to stride inside. All too suddenly though, the scene changed. The metallic smell of blood vanished, and she felt the rays of the sun warming her face. The earlier room was no longer there, replaced with what seemed like a meadow.

"This is one of my favorite places." She heard his voice from behind her and she quickly turned to see his face. She let out a breath, "he looks like my Niklaus." The thought brought a smile to her face.

She didn't care much for her surroundings, her eyes only saw him at that moment. "Is that really you?" She took a step closer to him, and he nodded his head.

"How do you feel?"

She took a second to answer, then gave a shrug, "I'm not sure. But at least I'm not in pain."

He nodded his head, "The Bennett witch is on her way, don't worry."

She gave him a nod, "I don't understand what's happening." Her eyes scanned the unfamiliar place. It was a beautiful meadow with lavender flowers growing in it. The sky was clear, and the warmth of the sun was a nice contrast to the coldness the soft wind carried. "Am I dreaming?"

"Something like that." He gave her a small smile and crossed the distance between them. "Let's say that I changed the scenery slightly to be less frightening."

She bit her lower lip, looking at him from under her lashes, "I wasn't scared."

"You were, love. And rightfully so." His hand itched to touch her face, a strange desire to pull her closer overcame him. It was nothing like him, and that's why he didn't. "I can quite frightening." Despite his light, and slightly arrogant tone, Klaus meant his words.

"You can be, but it doesn't matter." She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her head in his chest. "I'm just glad you're here."


Stefan barged into the room with Bonnie on his tow. Once he saw Klaus sitting next to Alexandra and holding her hand, he knew he was inside her mind. He pulled him away, breaking their connection. "Stay out of her head, Klaus." He commanded with a stern voice.

Klaus regained his composure and shoved Stefan off him. "What are you doing here, ripper?"

"I came to help her." Bonnie said with distaste in her voice. "Just so you know, I came here for Alex and Jeremy." She didn't know why Stefan had tagged along. She didn't understand why he seemed to care so much about Alexandra, but she decided it wasn't the time to ask such questions.

Klaus and Stefan pulled apart, watching as Bonnie sat next to Alexandra and put the grimoire on her lap. She opened a page, which she had marked before she left with Stefan, and began chanting under breath.

Rebekah was watching from the corner of the room with Elijah next to her, she leaned towards him slightly and whispered, "You think she can help?"

"I don't know." Elijah's eyes went to Klaus, noticing how he was stiff, and although to others his face was impenetrable, Elijah could clearly see his worry and care for the girl. "But for the sake of this town, I hope she can."

Bonnie stopped her chanting, and pulled away from Alexandra. "I think Esther is behind this. There's this strange barrier that keeps me from seeing the kind of spell that was casted on her."

"Tell us something we don't know, witch!" Klaus snapped impatiently.

She glared at him then turned her gaze to Alexandra once more. She brushed some of the hair away from her face, noticing how the Alexandra's temperature was high. "I think she's got a fever." Bonnie mumbled, "How did you get involved in all of this mess, Alex? This should have never happened, not to you." No sooner had the words left her mouth, than Bonnie saw something akin to bright light blinding her vision.

She couldn't hear nor see the others anymore and suddenly she was standing in what looked and felt like void. Everything was dark, and Bonnie didn't feel the ground beneath her feet.

A speck of light appeared revealing a woman, who looked like she came from a different life time. "Hello Bonnie." The woman said with a gentle smile.

"Who are you?" Bonnie asked with a confused look. "Where am I?"


Hello beautiful people ♥️,

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter once you read it. Next chapter should reveal many facts 😉
Can you guess who the woman is?

Finally, as always, I'm very grateful and elated with every single read, vote, and comment.

Happy reading,
Lots of love 💕,
Alex xoxo

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