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Hi there! Like I said when the last chapter was posted, I'm skipping straight to Insecurity for this next one. I tried to have a reason, but nothing really made sense. I obviously didn't want Siren to be involved in Image because the whole episode was meant for Robin to work past his concern about being leader again. As for Agendas, it was a Superboy-centric episode so that wouldn't have worked either. I wish it was easier to write chapters completely from scratch but that's just not my forte lol. I'm really excited for this chapter though because we finally get to see some changes in Artemis' and Jenna's friendship ;) You'll see.


Star City

December 4, 20:04 PDT

Siren chewed on the inside of her cheek as she scribbled more notes into her small journal, one she occasionally used for the end of missions. She had more frequently gotten into the habit of writing in it when the team was formed, but the earliest entries dated back to the beginning of her career.

It had been suggested by Canary when one particular mission terrified the once-thirteen-year-old girl, but she didn't want to talk about it to her sister. The next day, Dinah had given her a new journal, advising her to start writing about cases or missions for memory's sake and, if ever need be, a way to vent.

Siren's newest entry was most definitely the latter:

So I encountered that kid I met a couple of months ago. Sam. Turns out his parents are...were...well-known lawyers.

Sam and his sister, Kellie, had been out in the city with their parents this evening. They ended up returning home earlier than planned and a not-so-fun surprise was waiting for them.

Their home had been broken into. It seemed that the intruders had been trying to dig around for some information on a court case the husband's client won. They could have also planned to harm the parents or even the whole family, but we're not sure what their full plan was yet.

So, when the family got inside their house, they quickly realized that they weren't the only ones in the house, assuming by the ransacked rooms.

Now at this point, we only know what Sam could recall from his point of view. Sam's mother forced him to hide with Kellie in the cellar. After a while, Sam heard gunshots. Luckily, he still had his phone so, in his panic-driven state, he called me of all people.

It was fate that Roy and I were out on patrol nearby. Once the kid called, we rushed over after telling Sam to call the police.

Everything after that was kind of a blur. The intruders were apprehended, Sam and Kellie were found, we kept them as far away from their parents' bodies as possible, and the police arrived on the scene.

Sam and Kellie will probably move in with relatives. Kellie was scared, she didn't know what was going on. But Sam was pretty shaken up. I don't think the full extent has hit him yet nor will it for a while. I just hope they'll be okay.

"Everything okay?"

Siren looked up from her cross-legged position on the edge of the rooftop. Red Arrow stood nearby, watching her. She looked away, closing her journal and shoving it back into the bag attached to her thigh. It was beginning to get a bit full; she'd have to clean it out and reorganize it soon.

"Yeah. Yeah, it'll be fine," she said, rising to her feet.

She didn't speak on it further, which was abnormal for her, but Red Arrow didn't push it if he noticed. Of course, he would notice.

"What're you off to do now?" Siren asked.

It was getting late. She was tired, physically and mentally. Not to mention she had a test to take at school in the morning. But she missed her pseudo-brother and needed something to keep her mind off what had transpired earlier that night as well.

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