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Star City

August 8, 16:35 PDT

Siren was a little jealous that the rest of her team got to have fun at the beach while she was busy with Black Canary during the day, but at least she was still on summer break and hadn't been the one stuck at school like Wally.

"Thank God we're done. If I smell any more smoke, I might throw up."

Black Canary laughed at her sister. "Well her name is Bonfire. It's a given."

Siren grumbled. "I could have been at the beach with my friends today! Instead, I think I wound up with singed eyebrows."

She reached up to touch them with a frown, but a beep from her communicator caught her attention. She pulled the object out of her pocket. "Batman wants the team suited up and at the Cave in a few hours."

"You might want to go home and change then," Canary pointed out.

Siren glanced down at her soot-covered suit and scoffed. "You don't think this'll pass for stealth tech?" she quipped.

With a playful shove from Canary, Siren went to retrieve her personal motorcycle and go home to clean up.


Jenna finished braiding her damp hair back, grabbing the mask that hung on her doorknob. Just as she left her room though, she heard a knock on the door.

"I swear..."

She hoped that it was someone she knew because the last thing she wanted was there to be a door-to-door salesman or neighbor wanting a favor waiting just after she suited back up. Going up to the door, Jenna glanced through the window blinds and her eyes lit up.

She opened the door. "Hey, Ollie."

"Jenna. Just the person I needed to see," the man answered.

Jenna gave a wry smile. "I hope it's not going to take long because I was on my way to the Cave."

"Well, that's why I'm here." Green Arrow stepped to the side, revealing a blonde girl.

Almost instinctively, Jenna stepped behind the door to shield her outfit. It was then that she saw that the unfamiliar girl was dressed in similar colors to Green Arrow's, mask and all. Opening the door further, Jenna allowed the two guests to enter her home to avoid prying eyes.

"Jenna, meet Artemis. My new protégée and your new teammate. Artemis, this is Jenna. But you'd probably know her better as-"

"Siren. Right?" Artemis finished, eyeing the familiar black and white clothing that Jenna donned.

Jenna nodded with a smile. "That's me. Nice to meet you."

She looked over to GA. "I'm guessing this is why the team's meeting at the Cave? Why'd you come here?"

Green Arrow gave Artemis a glance to which she nodded, leaving Jenna to eye the both of them in confusion and suspicion.

"I'm not going to give all the details because that's up to Artemis, but we're keeping her private life a secret," he explained. "So, we're introducing her as my niece. I wanted you to be prepared before we introduced her to the rest of the team."

Jenna looked between the two archers—at least she assumed so by the quiver on Artemis' back—before crossing her arms with a shrug. "Okay."

Artemis looked wary. "Okay? You're not going to ask why or anything?"

Jenna shook her head. "It's none of my business. I'm sure you have a reason, but I'm not going to bother you about it."

Artemis' shoulders dropped slightly, conveying subtle relief. "Okay."

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