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Mount Justice

December 18, 12:56 EST

Jenna had been enjoying the beginning of her winter break from school. It gave her more time to spend time with her friends, train, and patrol. Since being out of school, she had been spending even more of her time at the Cave.

Plus, everyone was in the holiday spirit. Jenna had already helped M'gann make several batches of cookies. The Martian girl had plans to make every kind of festive treat possible and Jenna was more than happy to help her and Zatanna.

But she was a bit surprised upon entering the Cave one day because it looked like some of her teammates were about to leave on a mission. And apparently, Red Arrow had caught onto it as well, even if he had a different goal in mind.

"Advanced weapons tech has been stolen at manufacturing plants throughout Europe," Robin was explaining to Artemis, Miss Martian, and Superboy. "And each theft coincides with tour stops made by the Haly Circus. Batman's sending us undercover to catch the thieves."

Jenna's eyebrow raised. That seemed a bit skeptical. She doubted that Batman would send team members on a mission without letting the leaders know. Jenna knew Robin was more than capable of leading on a mission; he did exactly that just over a month prior when both she and Aqualad were too busy working with their respective mentors.

But she found it a bit suspicious...especially when the name of the circus sounded very familiar even if she just couldn't put her finger on it.

"This clown car have room for one more?" Red Arrow asked Robin, sounding cheerful but it made Jenna frown.

"Uh, we've- we've got this covered," the fourteen-year-old hero assured. It was clear he didn't really want anyone else joining.

Jenna moved closer into the room, siding up to her two friends in time to hear Red Arrow whisper into Robin's ear. "You've got the mission covered, but who's covering the three potential mole suspects you're bringing along?"

"I am," Jenna spoke up, smiling brightly as she rested a hand on Robin's shoulder. She squeezed it subtly to say 'just go with it'.

Her eyes narrowed at Red Arrow as Robin turned toward the other team members to explain the plan.

Since learning about who Artemis's family was, she had grown to be more on edge involving Red Arrow and the mole issue. He still seemed one hundred percent certain that Artemis, Superboy, or Miss Martian was the one delivering intel to their enemies and it worried Jenna whenever he was around them.

She leaned toward her temporary teammate. "I'm not letting you screw things up even more with my team."

"You realize that while you're putting every ounce of trust in them, they could stab you in the back at any moment?" Red Arrow answered, lips turned down in a scowl.

Jenna scoffed. "You realize that I've fought side by side with them so I know what they're like more than you do?" she retaliated with a mocking tone.

Someone loudly clearing their throat ended the argument. Jenna turned around to look at Robin looking at them expectantly. Artemis, Superboy, and Miss Martian were watching the whispered conversation and Jenna didn't doubt that at least Superboy had heard what was being said.

"As I was saying," Robin continued, turning back around. "We can get in as performers. With masks to shield our identity, we all resemble each other enough that it shouldn't be too hard to pass off as siblings..."



December 22, 20:08 CET

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