10. Club soda ma'am.

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My face burnt like I was in a furnace from all the humiliation I felt at this moment. My mouth gaped and my lips trembled while my legs walked on their own accord to where she sat, at a table in the corner.

Why the hell was she still here? Why would she say something like that? She knew the size of my breast, so what? She only touched them once. That stupid night.

"What the fuck are you doing here Nick?" My heart thrummed in my chest as I looked into her blue mysterious and annoying eyes. "Please leave me alone and don't you dare say anything about my boobs again."

"Relax," she coughed out an annoying laugh, "Listen Cagey, there's no way I'm letting you be here alone, it's either you're coming with me or I am carrying you on my shoulders," she stated in a serious tone.

My face scrunched and it took everything in me not to roll my eyes. "I can't just leave because you feel like it you know, they will fire me," I responded.

She bobbed her head. "Even better, we will look for a job someplace else, which doesn't need you to interact with drunk people," she gave me a complacent smile. Fucking smug.

Believe me, there was nothing I wanted more than to do exactly that. But no, I couldn't just do that, it was uncalled for and there was no way this girl; I fucked once would convince me.

Damn. It didn't sound right if I put it like that. Why was she here? Did she not have other things she needed to do, like study or go to college parties? That's what college people did right?

"You're irritating you know that?" I leaned in to whisper in her ear, my eyes plopped down to her lips which quirked up immediately.

"My vagina throbs when you whisper to me," she lifted her eyes and looked at me. Gracefully watching me as I flushed beetroot red again. Even when my skin was dark, surely there had to be some sort of flushed color to show my embarrassment.

"I just..." I trailed off, suddenly unable to get some words to roll off my tongue. I perked up and scanned the area, did anyone hear what she said?

"You're not getting rid of me," she said with a cocky smile plastered across her perfect face. How I wished I could slap that face off her. She looked too cute and it was irritating. So annoying that I cursed her in my head.

"Sage, hey, I'm waiting!" Martin called from the counter and I straightened my shirt.

"Can I get you anything?" I asked Nick, making sure she picked up on the sarcasm.

"Club soda ma'am," she winked and I wheezed before walking away.


"I hate you!" I screamed as she sped through the empty, cold streets to my house. She had forced me to ride on her motorcycle instead of taking the bus and she had been riding slowly and gently. She even gave me her jacket but I still found something to complain about.

I got the feeling, that giving her the satisfaction she needed would make her ego grow bigger and I wasn't letting that happen. Not under my watch.

"You have been saying that the entire way!" She shouted, "Don't be such a tabby bug!"

"I hate you more, turn right," I gave her the directions, but she had been here before. I wondered why I even bothered.

"I know. You're tickling me, I said hold not caress!" She commented and I couldn't help but blush. I was lucky she did not see how red my face was right now. She would be putting on that smug face of hers.

"Maybe my hands are just soft and that, you're not accustomed to," I replied, hoping it came out as mean as I wanted it to sound.

She let out a chuckle. "Yeah, they're soft, alright."

A Sage Worth Chasing. GXG (EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now