17. That stupid?

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"So," Nick started as she opened the door to her all-so-familiar apartment. The nice warm scent of lemons and lavender got me. She kicked off her boots and carried them to her room. I followed her not bothering to take mine off, I was exhausted.

"So?" I asked, dropping my coat on her bed.

I still wasn't sure why I had told her to bring me here. I should have gone straight home, but I told her I didn't feel like going back there. She promised we'd make some popcorn and watch a movie.

"Hey!" She exclaimed from the door to her bathroom and with a frown, her laser eyes shot my heels a look. Ah. "No shoes in my house!" She cried out.

"Yes ma'am." I laughed before I slipped out of those heels. Finally, after another long evening, I was free from them.

"Need anything to drink?" She asked, running a hand through her hair. She had hung the cap together with the others on a hanger in a corner. Organized I'd say.

"Water will be fine," I responded, making myself comfortable on her bed.

She walked out of the room and I thought back to the last time I was there. I smiled to myself. Who knew my one-night-stand stand would repeat itself?

"So, why did you lie to me?" She asked and I almost choked on the water she had just passed me. Lie? About what?

"What do you mean?" I asked, placing the glass securely on the side table beside me.

"You won't play dumb, Sage, I'm talking about your mother," she responded. Shooting me a look that screamed 'don't be stupid!'.

My eyebrows creased. Why did I lie to her?

"I...." I trailed off.

She scoffed. "I thought so."

"What? Dude, I don't know anything about you and you expected me to load you up on my life? After three fucking weeks, I just knew your last name tonight. And don't get me started about your father, you kept that from me too. Don't try to act like the victim here," I barked. Yep, that was it and there was no taking that back.

This whole time she listened while her face would grimace and make surprising expressions.

"I never lied to you."

"You never told me anything!" I glared at her.

Was she dumb? Besides, why would she think I'd let her walk into my very personal life like the fucking Avengers?

I had built those stupid walls for a reason and I would not let her shatter them because she was adorable and fucking lovely. I wouldn't let it happen even when it was hard to get rid of her, to stay clear of her.

After she disappeared, I almost thought she had gone away for good, but she came back. I had no fucking idea why she came back but whatever the reason, I wouldn't let her ravage me as Rowan did. At least, I knew better than to let it happen twice.

"You never asked," She shrugged. "That's the difference between you and I, Sage, I asked, and you lied to me. In my face. Why would you do that? If you care to know, I hate liars."

Oh for fuck's sake, who loved them?

I scoffed. "What makes you think I would just tell you personal things about me?"

She fell silent, her eyes searched my choppy face. Whatever she saw, I did not care much. Did she think she was anything special to me? I just fucked her and that was it. She did not need to know anything about me and I did not need to know anything about her. Period.

"Are you that stupid?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the dresser.

I got to my feet and strode to where she was, making sure to reserve some space between us. I would slap her if she said anything that absurd one more time. How dare she?

"What?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow, as though what she had said, registered just now.

"Why are you stupid, Sage? Are you dumb? Can't you see that I like you?"

Ugh, Fuck.

I so did not need this. This right here was everything I did not want. Even when my knees weakened, I raised my face and gazed into her blue eyes. So calm and drastic. I almost melted under that gaze, but I shook it off and gave her the stare-down of a lifetime while my brain loaded some words to utter.

She looked back at me. A tired gaze, and a small smile on her lips. "I know you just got your heart broken Sage, I wished I could have had better timing and all this seems rushed and all but I just need that chance. The same chance you dread to give me because you think I would do what she did to you. But I won't."

I fucking heard that before. I fucking heard that from my first and hopefully the last girlfriend because I wasn't sure I could keep doing this dating shit.

Rowan told me something identical. She told me she wouldn't break me but look at me now. They were all liars and I wasn't taking my chances to get my heart broken; twice in a fucking row.

So, I did what I thought was best, I used my defense mechanism. I wouldn't let that wall shatter all because she said she liked me. What if she woke up tomorrow and rejected me? Feelings were overrated and I wouldn't indulge myself anymore.

It was pointless.

I looked up at her dauntlessly. Then uttered the only words my brain could form up, the only words I could find out of my hazy brain.

"I don't feel the same way," I said and I turned away from her.

What a blue lie that was. I did feel the same way. I liked this bastard behind me but I just couldn't go out giving people chances to break me. Besides, I still was in the recovery process from my previous heartbreak, why would I dare jump into another?

Whatever I expected from Nick was not a silly chuckle. She did let out a chuckle, too silly and stupid for the moment.

"Why are you lying to yourself, Sage?" She asked.

I turned back to face her. Yes, I was lying to her and myself, but that was the only choice I had. So I had to play it hard and make her believe it too.

"I wish I was, you better believe it," I said and turned to grab my shoes, wherever I would go did not matter. I just couldn't be here, she clouded both my mind and judgment, and I was prone to crashing if I stayed here another minute longer.

Then I felt a warm hand on my wrist. And my heart picked up its pace. I couldn't even turn around because I was afraid she'd see just how my heart pounded against my chest. Stupid organ.

"Very well then, I understand that you don't like me." She moved closer. Her front pressed against my back. She leaned in, her hot breath airing behind my neck as she placed a tiny tease of a kiss. And my entire body trembled.

"Maybe I can change your mind," she whispered and at that moment, I knew a brick fell from the bloody wall.

A Sage Worth Chasing. GXG (EDITING!)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin