An Unpolished Gem

Start from the beginning

    "Much better My Lord" She gave him a quick smile as he held out his gloved hand. "Might I have another dance?" Elizabeth looked at Elliot who was giving a lopsided smirk 

    "Don't do anything improper" She warned, finally slipping away from him and taking Benedict's offer to the dance floor. The dance floor was already crowded but Benedict managed to slip the pair into the commotion. 

    "It has been a while" He spoke as the new song began, "If two days is a while then we are in trouble" She giggled slightly.

     "Well time with you is different" His eyes flickered to her plump lips "The moments I share with you are too quick, and when I do not see you at all time moves slow" Her cheeks began to warm up at his words.

     "Are you saying you like my company Mr. Bridgerton?" She questioned in a teasing voice. 

    "I would say I despise every second you are not in my company" Her breath caught in her throat as he spun her around. She could see the fire in his eyes. How the once small ring of gold around his pupil seemed to shimmer under the moonlight, and how his complexion thrives off the signature Bridgerton blues.

     "You flatter me too much" She dismissed him, trying to shake her pounding heart.

     "I feel like I don't flatter you enough" His voice was soft yet it was engraved in her mind. He placed a hand on the small of her back, pushing her in slowly but the moment was quickly cut when she saw Daphne arguing with Anthony, tears streaming down her face. Benedict noticed too.

     "Go help her" He nodded over to his sister, bowing before Elizabeth rushed to her friend's side.


     "Lord Berbrooke's barony is over 200 years old. His lineage is legitimate. He has had an excellent education, possesses no debts, never hurt an animal or a woman, and is even a decent shot. To speak strictly, there is nothing wrong with him" Anthony told Daphne in a blunt tone, Elizabeth's eyes widened as Daphne clutched her arm.

     "Anthony you can't be serious" Elizabeth shook her head, looking to the Viscountess who was as equally in shock.

     "You are to marry him" Anthony clenched his jaw, remaining poised and strict "But Berbrooke?" Daphne whimpered,

     "I had to find you a husband sister. Now be grateful that it is done. It should be just as easy to fall in love with Lord Berbrooke as with anything else" Benedict finally came upon his family, his face paled as he heard Anthony's words. Elizabeth looked to Benedict in a pleading sense, to try and convince Anthony to revoke his words,

     "I will not hear it" Daphne announced, walking off and away from the group. "Daphne wait!" Elizabeth started to walk away but turned to Anthony one last time. 

   "You've doomed her" She glared back, "I've secured her" He bluntly replied with cold eyes, Elizabeth scoffed turning around and chasing her friend.

     "What have you done brother?" Benedict finally spoke up his face a mixture of confusion and anger "My duty"

           Daphne paused just as they made their way to a clearing "Calm down" Elizabeth rubbed her back as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

     "This is just awful Lizzie" She began to sniffle and embraced her,

     "Whatever are the pair of you doing?" A slimy voice caught the girl's attention, Daphne gasped and recoiled slightly as she saw Lord Berbrooke come their way. She quickly stood behind Elizabeth who puffed her chest slightly, rage filling her.

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