Sayo was a very simple person, he wasn't a brainiac or a people pleaser like his brother. In fact he struggled with his responsibilities and wasn't that close with his parents unlike Derin who was a scholar, popular, and was close to his parents.
"That's not true, you really shouldn't feel inferior to Sayo. Your brother is such a simple person" I replied.
"I know that.. but yet, he's the one that you like." He sent

I liked Sayo?.. is that what's being bugging him ever since??. That I chose his older brother over him. I used to like Sayo when I was a child, and that was a long time ago. Now I like him, why doesn't he seem to get that.
"I don't like Sayo.."
"You don't??"
"Yeah, why would you think that I did?"
"Because you lied to him about going out with him and you used to crush on him back then.." he answered

"Yes.. back then derin, not anymore.. I only see Sayo as an older brother too" I replied
"Then why did you lie?"
"Because I knew you'd freak out and I was scared of what you'd think.. I mean c'mon you ignored me for a week all because I went out with your brother?!" I sent
"I know.. I know and I'm sorry I was such a dumbass jerk. I promise it'll never happen again.." he replied

"I promise tami.."
"Alright you're forgiven" I replied..

I looked towards my cousin to tell her the news only to find out that she was asleep. At least her pushy nature helped me and Derin to finally make up and I couldn't be more thankful.
"I'll talk to you in the morning, feeling sleepy" I sent
"Alright baby.. goodnight tami"
I closed my eyes happily as I drifted off to dreamland with only one thing in my mind.. He called me baby, everything was finally back to normal.
Kemi and I stood outside of the tutorial as we waited for Derin to finish talking with some of his friends. Later that morning, he sent me a text saying he wanted to treat me out and Kemi wanted to tag along.
"So you and Derin are finally friends again?" Kemi asked curiously
"Yup.. we made up last night" I answered

"What about Sayo?" She asked looking at me keenly.
"Well, I rejected Sayo's proposal" I answered as I watched her groan in annoyance.
"But whyyy?!"

"Because I like his brother and I don't have any feelings for him" I answered truthfully.
"It would have eventually come nah" she whined pulling on my arms as I looked at her in amusement.
"Kems, Sayo and I just can't work out.. I mean he schools in the states, I'm just about to enter the university.. I only see him as an older brother and he was cool with it" I explained.

"Still, he's so dreamy! And he'd have treated you better than Derin.." she replied with a pout
"You just want an excuse to see him again" I said with a chuckle
"Was it that obvious?" She answered with a nervous laugh.
"Very.." I said shaking my head.

"So girls are we ready?" Derin said coming to stand right next to me smelling really nice.
"Yup, but Derin where exactly are we going?" Kemi asked enthusiastically
"Phie's kitchen.. it's this new restaurant that opened a little bit not too far from here." He answered putting on his glasses.
Yes.. Derin wears glasses, because he's short sighted. Which really suits him and gives him this hot nerd vibe.

"Cool.." Kemi said giving him an approving nod.
"The Uber will be here in five minutes" he said
As we all stood outside waiting for the Uber, I noticed Naomi strut towards us. Derin hadn't noticed her yet but Kemi and I did and we both had a sour look on our faces.
"Hey baby." She said with a smile slightly hugging him surprising him a bit.

"Naomi? I thought you have gone home?" He said looking confused at her presence.
"No, I had to stay back to see Mr Tola.." she answered
"Oh I see.."he said shortly

"Hey Naomi" I greeted politely
"Hi tami, I see you and Derin are talking now" she said in a weird tone.
How does she know that Derin and I had a fall out?
I guess Kemi also heard what she said because we both gave Derin confused looks.
"Uhh.. yeah we are" I answered.

"Thank God.., because my baby was so stressed about everything" she said giving him a peck on the lips the action causing me to frown in jealousy as I watched them.
"Naomi, not now" Derin said slightly pushing her off him as he gave me sorry looks.

"Are you going somewhere?" She asked changing the topic trying to look unfazed by the fact Derin just pushed her off him.
"Yeah.." Derin answered
"Where?" She pushed
Kemi just rolled her eyes in annoyance muttering curses at her causing me to smile.

"You're not invited Naomi" she answered causing Naomi to glare at her.
"I'm his girlfriend, of course I'm invited." She answered folding her arms.
"Well this outing has a policy called NO GIRLFRIENDS ALLOWED" Kemi said spelling it out for her.

"So what does that make you two?" She challenged.
"His best friends" Kemi answered giving her a look as Naomi gave a tiny scoff causing me to snort in amusement.

"Naomi please stop, I promised tami for a treat  that's why I'm taking her out" Derin explained trying to lighten up the tense situation.
"So I really can't tag along with you?, I mean she gets to go.. so why can't I?" Naomi whined pathetically holding his arms...

"C'mon babe.. not now please" Derin said tiredly giving me subtle looks, but that's not what vexed me. He called her babe.
Now I'm fucking jealous!
"Uhm Derin maybe another time" I said getting irritated at Naomi's pleas as Kemi gave me a look of disbelief.
"No tami, I promised you and we're going that's final" Derin said causing Kemi to nod in agreement.

I was too jealous to go anywhere with Derin and if Naomi was coming too then that ruins us hanging out alone.
"Baby, pleaseeee.. let me come with you" she begged giving his cheek a peck as she hugged him closely to her.
Derin sighed tiredly finally giving in, my annoyance settling in causing a deep frown on my face.

"Fine, you can come!" He said
"Yay!, thank youuu." She said excitedly causing Kemi and i to roll our eyes in annoyance.
"I hope you don't mind me tagging along tami"she said giving me a sly smirk causing my mood to turn sour.
She's such an hypocrite..
"Not at all Naomi" I replied giving her a fake smile causing her to shrug, still holding Derin close to her as the Uber finally turned up.

Derin gave me apologetic looks while Kemi just made gestures of murdering naomi. I already knew that this outing was a burst.
At least we'll get to eat free food.

Authors note
So Naomi's a jerk, yunno the sweet hypocrite type.. and I guess she actually doesn't like tami much.
Who likes Kemi?! Cos I dooo

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