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Three weeks later. | October 4th, 2021.

Jayda used a sterilized wipe to clean the cut underneath her eye, hissing as her tears seeped through the opened wound, creating a light burning sensation.

She held a pout on her face, not even recognizing herself in the mirror that she stood in front of. Currently standing in her bra and boxers, bruises and handprints covered parts of her body.

Nau'Jour had lied to her almost a month ago. He didn't get better, and he definitely hadn't stopped. In fact, he had gotten worse, and just like Jayda couldn't recognize herself, she didn't recognize him at all.

She didn't even know why he still laid with her every night if his love for her was very obviously gone. He acted like he hated her, and she couldn't understand why.

Even with the way he'd been treating her lately, abusing her and breaking her down, she still hadn't stepped out of their relationship, hadn't made any advances towards any man, nor had she changed her behavior towards him.

She was still the sweet version of herself that loved him, but he didn't care about any of that, and she could wrap her mind around the reason why.

She was confused about a lot of things lately, but one of the things she wasn't confused about, was the way Von had been growing on her.

Since Toosii hadn't been showing her any attention in almost two months, she found herself spending time with Von and their son. Just casual family dates, and she never stepped out of the friend boundaries.

He made sure to check up on her often, and though she lied to pretend as if everything was okay, it warmed her heart to see that he cared. She found herself reminiscing on the bond they shared years ago.

She realized over time that he definitely was still the one that she knew years back, before the fame. He was still sweet and as goofy as ever, still threatening everyone that pissed him off. He was still the one that she knew, and she couldn't lie as if she didn't miss him.

"The fuck you been in here so long for?" Nau'Jour walked into her bathroom, and she could smell liquor on his breath, making her scrunch her face up. She'd never seen him have a drink before.

"Are you drunk?" She asked, stepping back as he neared her, being locked in place against the wall, making her heart rate speed up.

"No. Is you?" He rose an eyebrow in confusion, and she took notice of his low red eyes, the outer area of one of them a dark blue, courtesy of her fist.

"Nau'Jour move please. I need to go check on my baby." She mumbled, able to hear Cyncere whining on the baby monitor.

"Nah. I miss you." He wrapped his arms around her waist, and her body tensed up. She was no longer interested in sex with him, and it had been two months since they'd even been intimate.

"Nau'Jour, stop it. I said no." She grabbed his wrist after his hand had slipped inside her boxers, stopping him.

"Move Jayda." He moved her hands, holding both of them behind her back, and she held a frown on her face, lifting her foot to push him back after he'd touched her once more.

"Bitch." He brought his fist back, and thinking he'd hit her in her face she moved her head to the side to weave his hit, but instead he'd swung at her stomach.

"Fuck." She groaned, crouching over and as soon as she did so, the back of his hand hit hard against her face.

"Jayda quit fucking playing with me. Do you hear me?" He roughly grabbed her face, leaning over to be at her level.

𝐉𝐀𝐘𝐃𝐀'𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 Where stories live. Discover now