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Three Days Later. | 1:57am

Jayda laid awake in her bed, her head resting on her arms as she listened to thunder crash just outside of her window.

It was nearing two in the morning, and she still hadn't been able to fall asleep, when usually-she was asleep by 10pm.

She sighed, trying to stop the thoughts that racked through her mind, currently stressing her out. She grabbed her phone from the dresser, dialing Nau'Jour's number, hoping he wasn't asleep.

He had flew to New York yesterday for a feature, and wouldn't be back until tomorrow and she already missed him so much. Once it rung out twice in a row, a pout rested on her face.

She wiped the tear that fell from her eye, burying her face into her pillow. Overthinking always made her sad, and Nau'Jour was usually there to help her calm herself down. She hated when he was away.

She lifted her head as Cyncere began to turn in his sleep, currently cuddled up to her side since she literally could not sleep alone. Plus, he was afraid of thunderstorms so he slept with her every time it stormed.

"Mommy?" His voice called, and she pulled her head down a bit so that her face was near his.

"I'm right here Papa. Are you okay?" She rubbed over his face, and he nodded.

"Nana?" He sniffed, and her pout remained, kissing his forehead. Nau'Jour was usually the one to stay up and comfort him during the storms since he didn't like the rain either.

"He's sleeping right now baby. Come here." She pulled him closer, and he laid his head on her bare chest, reaching up to rub her ear.

"Mommy you okay?" He asked, half asleep, and she chuckled. She asked him that so much, that he'd begun to return the favor and asked her every chance he got.

"Yes baby. I'm okay. Go to sleep Papa." She kissed his cheek, and he nodded, slowly letting her ear fall from between his small fingers as he dozed off.

She could soon hear his light snores, and she sighed, wishing she could sleep as good as him right now. She hated being up by herself.

She laid Cyncere down after a few minutes, getting up to go pee. After handling her business, she pulled an oversized shirt on over her boxers, walking to the kitchen to get her a snack.

Before she could enter the kitchen, her doorbell rung, making her halt in her tracks. She grabbed her gun from behind a picture frame that hung on her wall, taking it off safety.

She looked in her camera, before sighing in relief, placing her gun back where it was. She turned her locks, swinging her door open.

"Somethin' told me to come over," Von's voice rasped, holding up a bag of takeout from iHop, his hoodie on to protect him from the rain.

She gestured him inside, closing the door once he was in, turning the locks once more.

"It's two in the morning." She said after turning to face him.

"I know, I'm sorry. Should I go?" He asked, already regretting his decision. Hearing thunder crash, she shook her head.

"No, it's fine. Uh, you can sit down." She gestured him over to the couch, and he took his shoes off at the door, following her to the couch.

He sat next to her, holding out the bag of food, and she took it from him with a small smile, folding her legs under her.

"Thank you. Are you okay?" She asked, texting Nau'Jour that he was there, then locking her phone.

"Yeah. I was just driving around to clear my mind at first, and ended up over here. I didn't mean to intrude or nothin', so my bad ma. I ain't really like how our last conversation ended though." He told her, watching as she put the straw in her cup of strawberry lemonade.

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