Dead Man's Diary

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July 17, 2047

They call it the Eternal Night. Final Outage. The Dark. There're many names for it. They all mean the same thing, it's the end. Not for humanity, not for animals or plants. The end of civilization. The end of the order and whatever peace we could muster as a species.

Chaos followed and we welcomed it.

Eternal Night. The day everything stopped. The day the lights went out for good. The day the internet stopped working. The day electronics ceased to function. And they never came back.

And no one knows why.

It's thought the governments tried using other means such as post offices to get messages out, but people took advantage of the situation quicker than expected. And with no communication from the government, no one stood in their way.

Is it just America, or did the rest of the world get hit? Is this an attack on America? Can the army still function? What do we do? Where do we go?

All questions, no answers for the last 5 years. Before, it was panic. People were expecting some invading force to overtake any day. We would all die or become 'citizens' of another country.

But we were wrong. Or, at least, we've been wrong for the past 5 years. No one has attacked, besides fellow Americans trying to survive.

No communication meant no order. The police were useless in keeping the peace. Most fled to protect their loved ones, along with everyone else, causing production, security, and every other company to ceased to function over time. The government didn't send word, furthering the panic. Stores looted for all their goods but never replenished.

Then, everything went silent.

Silence. A silent fear of the unknown. Everyone lived in the unknown for the past 5 years. Eventually, people got used to the silence. People got used to no electronics.

What people didn't get used to was the violence that broke out. Instead of coming together in a time of need, people separated into semi-trustworthy pacts, ready to sink the dagger into anyone who looked at them the wrong way or had a granola bar on hand.

People are selfish in a time of crisis.

Such as myself, sitting here alone on my house's porch in the woods. Always knew the day would come, been prepping for years. Guess my adjustment to the new world was easier than most.

Sticking to myself is what kept me alive for the last 5 years. There's no one coming to save us, for we are on our own now. And I plan to defend my home for as long as I live. My stash is my own.

I'm ready.



Thanks for reading! 

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