Distant Happy Memory

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Was it hard? When it happened?

I can't begin to know how you must've felt. I'm sorry.

But that's the way of life, isn't it? Random things happen, both good and bad, and we are left to deal with the aftermath.

Or rather you, I suppose. I'm sorry, I really am.

I never thought this would happen to me. Not me. It almost doesn't even feel real, but what is feeling anymore?

I bet you're feeling a lot. And I'm sorry for that.

I come to see you every day. Every day. Since the beginning of the end. To see if you've moved on. It took a while didn't it? But you moved on in time, and that makes me happy.

I still come back to see you every day, to make sure you're alright. I know you still think of me from time to time, not with sadness, but of a distant happy memory.

And I stand here next to you today, my transparent body blending in with the surroundings as you look at my grave. I smile with you.

Those distant happy memories matter most. I'm glad to have spent them with you.


Thanks for reading! 

Apologies on the sadder story here, but it came to me one day, not sure how, but I had to write it. I do enjoy experimenting with my short stories and trying not only different genres, but also different emotions. 

Don't worry, not all my shorts will be about sadness! :D 

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