My Element

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Eerie silence carried an emptiness, one that could cause some to twitch with anticipation. A demand for something to occur, to quell the insanity of pure silence. But a demand that may go unwanted once learned of its presence.

Only the heartbeat thundering in my chest could be heard. Darkness swirled around, just the way I liked it.

I used to fear the darkness. Anxiety of what lurked inside. The monstrosities that concealed themselves, waiting for the right moment to reach out and snatch. Drag their victims away without a trace, never seen again. Those were the stories that gave me nightmares, caused many sleepless nights.

But they don't anymore. I've traveled the darkness. It fed on me. No longer fearful, but still just as energetic.

It's my element.

For I'm the monster of those stories now, ready for the hunt.


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this flash fiction. 

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